Webinar 6 – Twenty years of social dimension in the Bologna Process: the state of the art and the future

The social dimension of higher education has been featured in the discussions of the Bologna Process since its early years. A new set of Principles and Guidelines produced by the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) Advisory Group on the Social Dimension (AG1) renews the sectors’ commitment to equity and inclusion and aims to foster concrete change in the EHEA in the coming years.

This EUA webinar, which is part of the series “Towards the Bologna Process Ministerial Meeting”,  reviewed these recommendations and discussed them from the viewpoint of European higher education institutions (via the findings of the Invited project on university strategies for inclusion), the European Students’ Union, as well as the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.


Tuesday, 17 November, 14.00 – 15.00 CET

Webinar 6 - Twenty years of social dimension in the Bologna Process: the state of art and the future


  • Moderated by Henriette Stoeber, Higher Education Policy Unit, EUA


A recording of the webinar is available on the EUA YouTube Channel.

For updates, please follow #EUABolognaSeries on Twitter.

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