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The European Learning & Teaching Forum facilitated the exchange of experience on learning and teaching in changing learning landscapes.
The European Learning & Teaching Forum was EUA’s new event that aimed to provide an opportunity for institutional representatives to meet and discuss developments in learning and teaching at European universities. The topics covered spanned from good practice in teaching enhancement and institutional strategies through to national and European policies. The Forum was in particular aimed at institutional leadership and management with responsibility for learning and teaching, directors of learning centres and learning labs, and academic staff and researchers, but was also open to policy-makers and other interested stakeholders.
The Forum buildt on EUA’s work with its member universities on this topic. Over the past year, EUA has coordinated thematic peer groups where universities across Europe contributed to the exchange of good practices on various organisational, educational and qualitative aspects of learning and teaching. The lessons learnt from these groups will be presented and discussed in the Forum by the universities involved. Alongside this bottom-up approach, the Forum makes use of EUA’s extensive policy work to further the European discussions on learning and teaching enhancement. In this sense, the Forum participants will be provided with recent updates on EUA’s work in the EFFECT project and outcomes of the latest Trends survey. Finally, the Forum discussions fed into the forthcoming policy statement on the core principles for the enhancement of learning and teaching across Europe. The Forum, organised by EUA in collaboration with the Conférence des présidents d’université (CPU) and hosted by University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), took place on 28-29 September 2017 in Paris, France.
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