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The 2nd UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event explored how European universities can further cooperate in research and education activities in the fields of energy efficiency and nuclear safety.
The event was the second of a series of UNI-SET “Energy Clustering Events” which took place in 2016 and 2017 to discuss and stimulate the development of innovative research and education programmes in the energy field. The events sought to mobilise the European university community to tackle the “energy challenge” by fostering exchange and collaboration between researchers, educators and other stakeholders, framed by the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and the Energy Union.
The event in Torino provided opportunities for clustering, consortia building and knowledge sharing. The main themes of the event, around which sessions were programmed, are derived from two priorities of the SET-Plan:
- ‘Develop and strengthen energy-efficient systems’ (Core priority 3);
- ‘Increase safety in the use of nuclear energy’ (Additional priority 2).
The event was organised in the framework of the FP7 UNI-SET project, an action implemented jointly by the European University Association (EUA) and KU Leuven, representing the universities in KIC InnoEnergy. The UNI-SET ECEs are mainly intended for EUA member universities participating in the UNI-SET Universities Survey.
The objective of the event was to mobilise the European university community to tackle the “energy challenge” by fostering inter-university cooperation and the voice of universities in the development of energy policy at EU level. The event intended to stimulate discussion among university leaders from different disciplines in order to explore the development of innovative and multidisciplinary research and education programmes. The conference offered specific opportunities for “clustering” knowledge, in which research and education leaders from different disciplines will present their views on the specific priorities of the SET-Plan.
The event in Turin was expected to bring the validation of the general “European Roadmap for Universities in Energy”, which came from the discussions at the first ECE at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, 24-26 February 2016). Another major objective was to agree on an outline of a European roadmap for universities in the fields of energy efficiency and nuclear safety, in line with the general roadmap. As the series of ECEs advances, EUA and its partners will draft roadmaps for all the SET-Plan priorities.
The UNI-SET Energy Clustering Events provide a platform for networking and exchange of views with a forward-look towards the future energy society and the need to better prepare the next generation of Master and Doctorate graduates. Specifically, the events will be of interest to university leaders in the field of energy (e.g. rectors and vice-rectors, deans, heads of institutional energy initiatives, with an interest in innovative approaches for energy research and education), as well as other stakeholders from the energy research, education and policy development.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609838.