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The EQUAL project conference, taking place on 3 December in Brussels and online, aims to engage higher education stakeholders in a broader discussion on how to improve refugees’ access to further studies and work through the fair recognition of their qualifications. Another focus of the discussion will be how the results from EQUAL project can be scaled up at national and international level.
Through the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC), the European countries have committed to develop procedures for assessing refugees’ qualifications, even when documentation is lacking. But how should higher education institutions and ENIC-NARIC centres go about to assess and recognize the qualifications of refugees’ who are not able to provide documentation of their studies?
The Erasmus+ funded EQUAL project, coordinated by HK-dir, has addressed the legal, procedural and technical barriers preventing refugees from admission to higher education or from finding work because they are unable to document their qualifications. The project has supported NARIC centres in establishing sustainable recognition procedures that align with national legislation and admission practices at higher education institutions.