
2018 Learning & Teaching Thematic Groups finalising their work

13 December 2018

During 2018, four Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups, made up of participants from 38 universities, have worked on active learning, evaluation of learning and teaching, university teachers’ career paths, and continuous development of teaching competences, respectively. These meetings provided the participating universities with a unique opportunity for peer-exchange on current practices and approaches to meet challenges identified by the groups.

In November the four groups came together to share their key considerations and findings during a joint workshop hosted by the University of Porto, Portugal. This workshop also provided a platform for deeper discussions on crosscutting themes such as teamwork in the context of study programmes and a cultural shift towards a more inclusive education environment. Reports highlighting the findings and recommendations of the groups are currently being finalised. They will be published in January and discussed at the 2019 European Learning & Teaching Forum.

For more information about the topics of two of the 2018 groups, read the Expert Voices articles by Gerhard van de Bunt and Silvester Draaijer  (Continuous development of teaching competences) and by Claire Dewhirst (Evaluation of learning and teaching). To learn more about the work of all four Thematic Peer Groups, register for the Forum, which will be hosted by the University of Warsaw on 14-15 February 2019.

In 2019, a new set of four Thematic Peer Groups will focus on student assessment, curriculum design, evidence-based approaches to teaching, and internationalisation in learning and teaching. The call for participation in the 2019 Thematic Peer Groups has been launched and will close on 30 January 2019.

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