
European Fund for Displaced Scientists: call for applications

31 May 2022

ALLEA has partnered with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation to support scholars and scientific institutions impacted by the war in Ukraine.

The programme, endowed with $1.5 million, will provide funding to academic institutions in Europe to host displaced scholars. The initiative will also benefit affected Ukrainian universities, academies, and research institutes in maintaining their operations and rebuilding their scientific facilities and research collaborations.

The European Fund for Displaced Scientists programme has two separate funding lines:

Funding Line 1 provides funds to academic institutions in Europe that are willing and able to host displaced researchers from Ukraine. The aim is to provide immediate assistance to scholars in the continuation of their research in a safe environment.

The call for applications for Funding Line 1 is currently open. Academic institutions within the Council of Europe region that are willing and able to host displaced Ukrainian scholars are highly encouraged to apply. Information about the application process can be found here.

Funding Line 2 provides funds to affected Ukrainian universities, academies, and research institutes to help them maintain their operations and rebuild their scientific facilities and research collaborations. Its aim is also to support the reintegration process of researchers after their return to a post-war Ukraine.

A call for applications for Funding Line 2 will be launched in the coming days.

Read the press release and find out more information about the European Fund for Displaced Scientists programme on

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