

  • Taking the European Higher Education Area forward

    16 Nov 2020 Position Bologna Process

    EUA has been an active contributor to the Bologna Process since its start 20 years ago. The present position paper welcomes the recent progress in the development of the European Higher Education Area, on the occasion of the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference on 19 November.

  • The ESG in the changing landscape of higher education

    28 Aug 2020 Position Bologna Process, Quality Assurance

    In recent years, higher education provision has been changing rapidly, including the mainstreaming of e-learning, the emergence of micro-credentials, the launch of the European Universities Initiative, and the renewed importance of the third mission of higher education institutions.

  • Europe’s Universities Shaping the Future

    25 Jun 2020 Position Bologna Process, Global Relations, Learning & Teaching, Open Science, Universities & Values, Universities of the future

    EUA Strategic Plan

    The need for strong universities has never been greater in addressing societal challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, resource scarcity, ageing populations, migration and managing artificial intelligence are among the many examples of areas where universities have a major impact.

  • Credits: Frank Brüderli

    At its meeting on 12 June 2018, the Board of the European University Association (EUA) welcomed the new political momentum of the Bologna Process resulting from the Ministerial Conference in Paris (23-25 May) and the adoption of the Paris Communiqué. 

  • Salzburg 2005 – Conclusions and Recommendations

    18 Feb 2005 Position Bologna Process, Doctoral Education

    The Bologna Seminar on ''Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society'' provided the first major forum to discuss the new Action Line in the Bologna Process entitled “European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) – Two Pillars of the Knowledge-based Society”. The event was held on the initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European University Association. The main aim and objective of the Seminar was to identify the key challenges to be met in implementing the new Action line during the period 2005-2007.

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