Accessibility Tools
2 June 2022, CEST 14.00-15.15 | ONLINE
One of the key outcomes of the “Spotlight on recognition” project is a self-assessment tool that allows staff working in higher education institutions to evaluate to which extent their institution’s recognition procedures are in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and international good practice. The core of the tool is a table of self-assessment questions aligned with practical information on the legal framework governing recognition in Europe, the European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions and other supporting materials. The tool thus aims to enable higher education institutions to respond to the LRC and the expectations for internal quality assurance as laid down in Standard 1.4 of the ESG. This webinar will invite participants to explore the tool, as well as the self-assessment approach at its core, in further detail.
Participation in this webinar was free of charge and open to anyone with an interest in the recognition of qualifications, study periods abroad and prior learning. This may include institutional staff responsible for academic recognition, such as vice-rectors for internationalisation and academic affairs and staff working in quality assurance, as well as admissions officers and credential evaluators. The webinar was organised by EUA, in partnership with the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (Crue), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education.
Chaired by Howard Davies, Senior Adviser on Higher Education Policy, EUA
Watch the recording below:
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