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Recording of the webinar is available on the EUA YouTube Channel.
On 28 May 2019, at 14:00 CEST, EUA hosted a webinar on the launch of the study report Higher Education for Third Country National and Refugee Integration in Southern Europe, conducted under the TandEM project – Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe.
The study identifies challenges that international and refugee students face in participating in higher education, both at the level of systems and higher education institutions, and it provides recommendations on how to overcome them. It has been conducted through desktop research, surveys of higher education institutions, interviews with government representatives and students in six Southern European countries: Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain.
It is found that while access conditions and support measures set by national integration and education policies and by higher education institutions differ across the six countries, the challenges faced by TCNs and refugees are fairly similar. In addition, while all six countries value general education as a means to integration and social cohesion, the potential contribution that higher education can make in this regard is rarely recognised.
The webinar facilitated a discussion between actors and stakeholders on the report’s findings and recommendations.
The project TandEM is led by IOM in partnership with the Italian Islamic Religious Community (COREIS) and the European University Association (EUA), who conducted the present study. TandEM is co-funded by the AMIF fund of DG HOME.
Introduction to the TandEM project - Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe and to IOM’s activities in Southern EuropeGeertrui Lanneau IOM
Main findings and conclusions from the TandEM study on “Higher Education for Third Country National and Refugee Integration in Southern Europe”Henriette Stber, EUA
Discussion of the findings of the TandEM study with stakeholders from the regionPaola Castellucci, Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, ItalyAlexandros Triantafyllidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceStefan Sant, Qualifications Recognition Information Centre - National Commission for Further and Higher Education, Malta