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In recent decades, notable progress towards quality education has been made through the implementation of structural reforms under the Bologna process. In addition, the European Union is working towards creating a European Education Area. However, there is still a need to be more attentive to the process of learning and teaching itself.
Universities must drive developments in learning and teaching, as outlined by EUA. This requires close collaboration with all major stakeholder groups, including national and European policy makers. To support this endeavour, EUA is conducting several initiatives aimed at establishing a European dimension on learning and teaching in higher education. This includes knowledge-building activities and studies, institutional development and peer learning, as well as related policy statements and recommendations.
EUA’s activities aim to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education provision, underline the importance of learning and teaching as a core mission and advocate for learning and teaching activities to be geared towards student learning and success.
The EUA Learning & Teaching Steering Committee guides this work, in particular by providing oversight for EUA’s Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups and the European Learning & Teaching Forum.