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A follow-up to a Europe-Latin American university leadership conference that EUA held in São Paulo in 2012, this project aimed at exploring strategies for better policy dialogue and cooperation between European countries and their international partners.

It did this with a specific focus on Brazil, and drew on the experience of the Science without Borders (SwB) programme launched by the Brazilian Government, which aimed at sending 110,000 students abroad by 2015. The overall objective was to compare experiences in managing different higher education cooperation programmes (including large-scale grant programmes), enable mutual learning within Europe and between Europe and Brazil, and provide tangible suggestions for the enhancement and coordination of European university cooperation with international partners more generally.

More information on the project website.

ec erasmus mundus enThis project is carried out with the support of the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission.

The project consisted of workshops in Europe and Brazil as well as the development of a forum for practice sharing in the implementation of SwB. The following themes were taken up in the activities:

  • fostering a better understanding of the European Higher Education and Research Areas as well as of the Brazilian Higher Education System and Research practice/organisation;
  • working towards improvement in the recognition in Europe of qualifications obtained in Brazil and vice-versa;
  • fostering structured mobility by providing information on and promoting the EURAXESS portals, the use of the ECTS tools: Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, and Diploma Supplement and the existing Brazilian mobility quality tools;
  • sharing know-how on the design, development and implementation of joint education programmes and science and innovation partnerships;
  • building awareness for the necessity of strategy development for internationalisation, respectively the embedding of internationalisation into the institutions’ overall strategy;
  • consideration of different models and approaches for inter-institutional teaching and research partnerships, including collaboration with research entities, business/enterprises so as to contribute to sustainable development, economic growth and social inclusion;
  • raising awareness amongst European and Brazilian higher education institutions on the policy frameworks in which higher education and research collaboration take place, and to consider them when forming strategic goals with regards to research agendas, academic mobility and innovation.

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