Accessibility Tools
The aim of the DEQAR project was to develop a database that would enhance access to reliable information on the higher education institutions/programmes that had been subject to external quality assurance in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) 2015.
The database collated and offered direct access to reports and decisions from all registered agencies, which was expected to contribute to the transparency of external QA outcomes and thus facilitate the recognition of academic qualifications.
The database was designed to respond to the information needs of a broad range of users, including recognition information centres (ENIC-NARICs), recognition officers in higher education institutions, students, quality assurance agencies, ministry representatives and other national authorities, and support different types of decision-making (e.g. recognition of degrees, mobility of students, portability of grants/loans).
EUA was a partner in this project, which was coordinated by EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for higher Education). Among the other partners are 17 quality assurance agencies and stakeholder organisations such as ENQA, EURASHE and ESU.
Details of the project activities and partners can be found here .
For further information please contact Anna Gover .
The DEQAR project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
EUA works to ensure that the views of the university sector are taken into account in European and national-level policy discussions on internal and external quality assurance. It also supports its me ...