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The project “European Union Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region (SHARE)” (2015-2018), funded by the European Union, has as a global objective to strengthen regional cooperation by enhancing the quality, regional competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education.
For more information, please go to the SHARE project website.
The specific objectives of SHARE are:
1. to enhance the harmonisation of ASEAN higher education (HE) area through the formulation of ASEAN higher education frameworks taking into account the EU experience and work already underway across ASEAN through international partnerships;
2. to support mutual recognition and student mobility among HEIs in ASEAN to strengthen people to people connectivity.
Fulfilment of these objectives will enhance the quality, internationalisation and competitiveness of ASEAN higher education institutions and other regional higher education agencies and structures, improving intra ASEAN and international mobility and crucially, enhancing the student experience.
The project is carried out by a consortium of the British Council (lead), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Nuffic, Campus France, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European University Association (EUA) and is overseen by the European Delegation in Jakarta.
The key fields of activity within EU SHARE are clustered into the following result areas:
DAAD, ENQA and EUA are responsible for the overall coordination of activities related to result area 2(a) and 2(b), two subjects which are closely intertwined. This will be done in close cooperation with the ASEAN partner organisations, such as the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) and the ASEAN University Network (AUN) as well as the ASEAN Secretariat.