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This presentation highlights an initiative to improve teaching effectiveness by means of transdisciplinary projects involving students from different study programs, working in teams to solve real problems, originated from the community.

The initiative is part of a wider effort to transform education, research and engagement with the community, endeavour to which Ovidius University of Constanta is committed. To address this strategic goal, the university has decided to establish a Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer and applied for financial support from European structural funds to implement it.

Aside from building the infrastructure and creating a platform for communication between the university and the community, another key task, the training of the academic staff in projectbased learning, is underway. In this session, we will report on the design and implementation of the teacher training course on active learning technologies.

ISSN: 2593-9602

This paper was presented at the 2020 European Learning & Teaching Forum and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Transdisciplinary project-based learning approach setting the ground for launching the Ovidius University Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer

Mihai A. Gîrţu, Daniela Dumitra Căprioară, Maria-Elena Muscan

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