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The DEFINE project, the findings of which underpin the present analysis, has taken funding efficiency in higher education as the main focus of its research and activities. The project notably included the mapping of the use of funding efficiency measures such as performance-based funding, institutional mergers and excellence schemes across Europe. The empirical data collection and validation at system level was undertaken by EUA in several rounds of consultation and face-to-face interviews with national rectors’ conferences across Europe. This was complemented by an academic research and literature review carried out by the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policy (CIPES) in Portugal (Teixeira, Biscaia, Rocha 2014).
Furthermore, the universities involved in the project consortium carried out a detailed self-evaluation, which informed subsequent institutional site visits by the partners to elicit and structure feedback on their experience with the respective efficiency measure. This input was instrumental in designing international focus groups of university leaders and senior managers to identify good practice, challenges and pitfalls as well as to assess the impact of these funding efficiency measures on universities. The first outcomes were discussed with the university community at the 2nd EUA Funding Forum in October 2014 in Bergamo, Italy, which brought together over 250 stakeholders interested in university funding from 39 countries.
The outcomes of EUA’s empirical research are presented in the three thematic parts of this publication.
University R&I, and its synergies with education and service to society, is the premier gateway to the knowledge and skills needed for scientific progress and sustainable societal development. ...
The Scorecard 2023 provides a full comparative analysis of the state of play of university autonomy in 35 higher education systems in Europe. ...
The turbulent economic context of the last decade has been conducive of reforms seeking to enhance efficiency and steering of universities’ use of public funds. In this publication, EUA revisits the ...
This report presents the expectations of national university associations across Europe in terms of funding and system governance in the medium term (2022-2024). ...
Given their education, research and societal missions, universities are important actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality, sustainable societies and economies. They are well placed to play ...
Universities have much to say and deliver in the policy areas set forth in NextGenerationEU. They have a role to play in facilitating the green and digital transitions, in contributing towards smart a ...
The Public Funding Observatory report 2020/2021, Part 2 is accompanied by individual country sheets with specific data on the 32 higher education systems covered in the study. The sheets off ...
This report provides a detailed analysis of long-term funding trends captured over the period from 2008 to 2019. It also offers an overview of the latest public funding developments in 2019 and 2020. ...
The process to renew the European Research Area (ERA) is gathering pace and is set to continue in the coming weeks, months and years. Building on previous policy positions, this policy input further e ...
This report provides a detailed picture of the immediate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on university funding and offers insights into the implications expected in the future. It concludes with 10 ke ...
As European leaders work towards an agreement on the European Union’s next seven-year budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework, and the related Next Generation EU recovery plan to help the EU’s ...
The European Commission’s new proposal for the next seven-year budget of the European Union together with the Next Generation EU recovery plan falls short of much needed investment in research, inno ...
There is a legitimate need for data on the performance of higher education institutions. It is important for the institutions themselves, as well as their stakeholders, including society. The use of i ...
In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, and its expected economic impact, this EUA briefing explores the possible implications for university funding in Europe in the short to medium term. ...
The European Universities Initiative has been at the centre of many discussions in European higher education and research for the past couple of years. Universities across the continent enthusiastical ...
In early 2020, EUA conducted a survey on international strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative that gathered responses from 219 higher education institutions from ...
Building synergies between education, research and innovation across disciplines is crucial to tackling the major challenges our societies face. As the European Union projects ambitious policy goals, ...
The Public Funding Observatory report 2019/20 is accompanied by individual country sheets with specific data on the 34 higher education systems covered in the study. The sheets offer an over ...
The Public Funding Observatory Report 2019/20 offers the most up-to-date information on 34 higher education systems across Europe. ...
As negotiations continue on the future Horizon Europe programme, the discussion on the Model Grant Agreement is fundamental for effective and smooth implementation. Not only does the Model Grant Agree ...
This briefing outlines EUA’s proposals to national and EU funders on how to make the EU reporting and control environment more efficient and effective. This is a matter of strategic importance t ...
Fifteen university associations join together to call for an ambitious long-term EU budget for research, innovation and education to boost efforts to solve the manifold future challenges. ...
Over the last decade, policy makers and universities in Europe have been paying greater attention to efficiency and effectiveness in a more demanding higher education context. This study has been publ ...
University mergers are a widely spread phenomenon in Europe. This briefing analyses the features of close to 130 cases of university mergers and clusters (since 2000) recorded in the EUA University Me ...
The 2018 Public Funding Observatory report comes with individual country sheets. They offer an overview of the data collected for each system, including funding, inflation, student and staff numbers i ...
The Public Funding Observatory Report 2018 offers the most up-to-date information on 33 different higher education systems across Europe. ...
Due to a high demand of university pedagogical staff development courses in Finnish universities, the universities were faced with the problem of not being able to offer university pedagogy courses fo ...
A substantial share of public investment is spent on public procurement in the European Union and quality public services depend on well-managed and efficient modern procurement. Public higher educati ...
Many European universities are initiating strategic transformation programmes that either seek a step change in institutional efficiency, respond to drastic shifts in higher education policy and finan ...
This report provides examples of government-led initiatives implemented in response to national policy objectives and university-led collaborative initiatives and partnerships pursued by the Irish hig ...
As negotiations move forward in hammering out the design of Horizon Europe, this EUA briefing serves as a practical document for policy makers. It provides strategic and practical recommendations for ...
Ahead of the adoption of the European Commission’s proposal for Horizon Europe, university practitioners from 12 European countries provide solid data based on their direct experience managing n ...
In 2016, EUA launched the EUA Member Consultation on the Horizon 2020 Mid-Term Review, which addressed several aspects of Framework Programme simplification and revealed the need for further  ...
This report provides a summary of the input, discussions and findings from the first USTREAM peer learning seminar on policy frameworks for efficiency and effectiveness in the higher education co ...
In line with the campaign “EU funding for universities”, which gathers support from the bulk of the university sector across Europe, EUA is also partnering with other university networks ...
Addressing Europe’s key challenges and ensuring sustainable development requires the EU to have a well-functioning budget and to revisit its investment priorities. Cooperation in research ...
The Public Funding Observatory 2017 report captures the very latest funding trends in Europe and offers the most up-to-date information on 34 different higher education systems. For the ...
The Public Funding Observatory 2017 report captures the very latest funding trends in Europe and offers the most up-to-date information on 34 different higher education systems. ...
As the European Union prepares the next generation of EU funding programmes for the post-2020 period, budget discussions are increasingly geared towards performance, European added value, trust and ef ...
The Scorecard 2017 provides a full comparative analysis of the state of play of university autonomy in 29 higher education systems in Europe. The report complements the presentation of the main outc ...
The EUA Autonomy Scorecard offers a methodology to collect, compare and weight data on university autonomy. A core set of autonomy indicators was developed to offer an institutional perspective on ins ...
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was created in 2015 in order "to strengthen the attractiveness of investing in Europe and in the infrastructure of a modern knowledge economy [...] b ...
The Public Funding Observatory 2016 data reveals that capital funding and investment in infrastructure for universities are decreasing. Student aid is declining and costs are being passed on to studen ...
In June 2015, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) came into force. It is part of the Investment Plan for Europe, the major instrument to address the first key priority of the Juncker Co ...
With this statement, EUA responds to the public consultation launched by the European Commission in the spring of 2016 ahead of the review of the EU’s Financial Regulation. The Financial Regula ...
The 2015 edition records worrying signals from Northern Europe, a region that has so far kept up investments in higher education and research. Concerns particularly relate to Denmark and Finland, wher ...
With the series “Leaders’ Perspectives”, EUA gives the floor to the executive heads of its member universities on the essential issues connected to governance and funding. Th ...
The report “Performance-based Funding of Universities in Europe” gives an overview of performance elements in public funding for universities in 28 systems across Europe and focuses in particular ...
“University mergers in Europe” is the second thematic report published by EUA as part of the DEFINE project. DEFINE explores strategies for efficient funding of universities in Europe, lookin ...
This policy brief marks a new phase in EUA’s campaign and underlines that the sector is unlikely to benefit from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), given the loan-financing mec ...
Entitled ‘Funding for excellence’, it is the first in a series of three thematic reports that outline many of the key findings of the EUA-led DEFINE project, which analyses the impact of funding e ...
The observatory analyses both the evolution of funding over the last year (2013-2014) and longer-term developments in university funding since 2008, also taking into account the impact of inflation, c ...
In September, the Council of the European Union (EU member states) formally approved its position on the EU draft budget for 2015, which has been proposed by the European Commission. The Council of th ...
As part of the “Designing strategies for efficient funding of higher education in Europe (DEFINE)” project, the European University Association (EUA) has been collecting information and data from ...
The report provides a new analysis of the pressures that many countries face in terms of funding for higher education institutions, in particular by taking account of the impact of inflation and chang ...
Growing expectations placed on teaching and research, along with squeezed public budgets are increasingly endangering the financial sustainability of Europe’s universities. EUA’s monitoring o ...
The report confirms that while the impact of the crisis on national systems varies widely across Europe, no national higher education system has been left completely unaffected. The report groups coun ...
Despite the tremendous diversity that exists in Europe, all universities face the challenge of sustainable funding more acutely than ever. Unprecedented massification has enormously benefited European ...
This report follows EUA’s first study on financially sustainable universities, which looked at the development of full costing in European universities and the ways to improve their capacity to ...
The results of the continuous EUA monitoring of the crisis clearly show that European higher education systems have been affected very differently, which reflects to some extent the impact that&n ...
European higher education systems have been affected very differently, to some extent reflecting the general impact on their respective national economies. They have also been affected at different st ...
To ensure the financial sustainability of Europe’s 5,000 plus universities, EUA is calling on governments (as underlined in its Prague Declaration) to commit to increasing investment in higher e ...
Since 2005, EUA had been examining the issues of funding, autonomy and accountability through engaging its members, some 800 European universities in 46 countries and 35 national r ...
Sound governance, competent and accountable management, transparent and coherent institutional quality processes are rising to the top of the work agenda of European university leaders today. The ...
EUA commissioned this study entitled The Rise of Knowledge Regions: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Universities with the aim of understanding the current role of universities and futur ...
Research Strategy Development in European Universities grew out of EUA’s study Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna (2005) which, in the course of analysing how universities ar ...
This EUA study was undertaken in the first half of 2004 to meet the need for informed European policy discussions with an overview of the main trends and developments in the financing o ...
Following the Management Seminar organised in Istanbul in 2000 for its members, EUA invited the two seminar facilitators to turn their presentations into articles. In addition to t ...
EUA, CESAER and EARTO have released a joint statement following the publication of the European Commission’s Assessment of the Lump Sum Pilot 2018 - 2020: Analysis of qualitative and quantitative fe ...
In the context of the European Parliament plenary vote on the EU budget for 2022, EUA calls on the Council to revert the proposed cuts and support the full implementation of a future-oriented Horizon ...
Update: the new draft annotated grant agreement was published on 30 November 2021, with changes to articles 1 to 6 and article 20. ...
EUA has joined SDG Watch Europe to provide input into the upcoming European Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on education for environmental sustainability. The Recommendation will look ...
On 16 June 2021, the European Commission adopted the long-awaited main work programme of Horizon Europe for 2021-2022. It sets out funding opportunities with the total amount of €14.7 billion, most ...
Scholars at Risk – Ireland and ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, organise the online conference “Academic freedom and intellectual dissent” on 8 June, from ...
On 17 May 2021, the Education Ministers of EU member states adopted Council Conclusions on the European Universities Initiative. The Council Conclusions come at a crucial point as the mid-term evaluat ...
The university sector must use the window of opportunity provided by the EU recovery plan (Next Generation EU), to present sustainable solutions for campus development and innovation, proposing green ...
EUA has launched the latest edition of its Public Funding Observatory, which offers information on 33 different higher education systems across Europe. The data is presented in a report and an online ...
The European University Association (EUA) welcomes the conclusions drawn by the EU Competitiveness Council on 1 December 2017. The Association is pleased with its forceful commitment to the next Frame ...
Click below to see more photos of the event! What will be financed tomorrow, and how, depends largely on what expectations society and policy makers have of universities. What competing visions of ...
The European Universities Initiative created alliances with big goals, but they must also deal with a complex funding landscape. Five years in, the team from Una Europa describes what their first-hand ...
What is the state of university finances in Europe, and what does the future hold? Enora Bennetot Pruvot previews EUA’s latest funding research in University World News. ...
For Science|Business, EUA’s Thomas Jørgensen examines the European Economic Security Strategy. He argues that making this strategy work for higher education and research depends on the granularity ...
EUA’s newly published Innovation Agenda will help to mobilise and boost the university sector’s innovation capacity for greater strategic engagement to tackle societal challenges, writes Sergiu-Ma ...
With multi-fold increases in energy bills being felt across Europe, is this one crisis too many for universities? For University World News, EUA’s Enora Bennetot Pruvot and ACA’s Veronika Kupriyan ...
Higher education systems across Europe currently use a variety of funding instruments, with increasing levels of complexity evident. This piece highlights some of the main issues involved, as describe ...
Challenges presented by the contemporary world require researchers to acquire entrepreneurial skills and build bridges between academia and business. Startup co-founder Paweł Gora shares his experien ...
An unparalleled survey looks at innovation at universities across Europe. EUA expert Stephane Berghmans breaks down the findings, explaining what must be done to boost capacity and build vibrant innov ...
What does NextGenerationEU mean for the university sector? Funding expert Enora Bennetot Pruvot outlines investment and reform opportunities, highlighting that the national recovery and resilience pla ...
With the rapid growth of the student body, the need to refurbish university real estate and the changing balance between block grants and project-based funding, an in-depth discussion is needed about ...
Higher education institutions in Europe are highly engaged in addressing environmental challenges through education, research and their own greening initiatives. However, sustainable procurement may b ...
With billions of euros on the table, Next Generation EU could be a game changer for research and education – especially in countries like Italy where underfunding is already a cause for concern. The ...
The EU recovery plan offers an immediate chance to invest in education and research as we approach the economic fallout of the Covid-19 crisis. This article, informed by the latest EUA data on public ...
As the European University Initiative nears its mid-term review, it is time to think seriously about how the alliances are governed. Complex setups must retain their fitness for purpose and benefit th ...
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the European University Association, Andrée Sursock analyses two decades of transformation and renewal in Europe’s higher education landscape, and charts ...
In a rapidly-changing labour market, how can students be prepared to be citizens of the world, as well as the future job creators and workers? Wyn Morgan and Catherine O’Mahony look at the definitio ...
Providing students with the skills for multidisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship supports social impact. The Tampere Universities community promotes this endeavour through multidisciplinary ...
In the coming academic year, virtual mobility might be the only reliable option for some institutions in the fallout of the Covid-19 crisis. EUA expert Michael Gaebel gives a vision for the future of ...
Confinement due to the coronavirus is a great challenge for the international mobility of researchers and students, but international collaboration remains crucial for universities. EUA experts Thomas ...
EUA President Michael Murphy assesses the challenges and opportunities brought by the coronavirus pandemic to Europe’s universities, in particular in relation to funding, digital tools, Open Science ...
As the coronavirus pandemic impacts the global economy, funding for universities is bound to take a hit. EUA’s Thomas Estermann explains what the crisis means for the higher education sector in Euro ...
Grants are important for researchers’ careers and only the best applicants receive them. So, what is the best and how are the best selected? As Helene Schiffbänker from Joanneum Research in Vienna ...
Finding a compromise on the EU’s next budget is no doubt a highly complex task. But after the lean years since the 2008 crash, there must be a commitment to increasing investment in research, innova ...
The new European Commission must make research, education and innovation a priority as it sets out the roadmap for the next five years. In Science Business, EUA President Michael Murphy presents a sim ...
Europe must boost its investment in research and innovation, argue the European University Association’s Rolf Tarrach and Michael Murphy in the Parliament Magazine. The outcome of the recent Europ ...
Jean Chambaz, president of Sorbonne University, talks with EUA about the importance of innovation capacity, funding and ecosystems.You have presided over an important merger of University Pierre and M ...
Alexandros Papaderos of the Technical University of Munich talks with EUA about the importance of co-creation, the two types of research and university missions.Co-creation between universities, stude ...
Innovation is increasingly important for universities – as it is for society. Universities are one of the strands of the so-called “triple helix”, providing impactful research to sustain competi ...
The increased focus on innovation as a key driver for our societies is influencing every single university mission. As project-based learning and co-creation in research move into the mainstream of un ...
A stronger EU industrial policy is in the cards, including more investments in innovation, writes EUA Rolf Tarrach for The Parliament Magazine.A stronger EU industrial policy is in the cards, includin ...
More than ever before, universities in Europe are becoming interested in fundraising. Christian Vranek discusses the different kinds of income-generating partnerships for universities and why they mat ...
Leading a university can become very difficult when finances are strapped and difficult decisions must be made. Petra Wend, Vice-Chancellor of Queen Margaret University, discusses how university leade ...
When universities come under financial fire, ideas flourish on how to be more efficient and effective. Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Rector of Vienna University of Economics and Business, discusses the Aus ...
Ireland’s universities have joined forces to transform capacity and performance in order to deliver a sustainable, competitive university system. To do this, they have launched “Ireland’s Future ...
Thomas Estermann from the European University Association examines the university efficiency debate, explaining that behind the push to save money there is actually much more, including a silver linin ...
The implications of the political, economic and societal landscape in Europe are becoming ever more complex for Europe’s universities. The Old Continent faces prolonged financial and economic crises ...
USTREAM sought to examine the measures that are in place in universities across Europe to enhance efficiency at operational level, and also analyse policies at system level that support universities i ...
EUA’s Public Funding Observatory captures the very latest trends impacting Europe’s universities and offers the most up-to-date information on dozens of different higher education systems across t ...
Higher education institutions across Europe face today a demanding and complex financial context in which traditional modes of funding have been transformed and continue to evolve. ...
The regulatory, financial and societal environments in which universities operate are changing at an increasingly fast pace. EUA is dedicated to supporting universities in their efforts to make succes ...
Universities across Europe are facing a challenging and complex financial situation in which traditional modes of funding have been transformed and continue to evolve. ...
As part of its work on ‘Financially sustainable universities’, EUA is looking to renew insights into university finances from an institutional perspective, exploring trends, identifying strengths ...