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This EUA study was undertaken in the first half of 2004 to meet the need for informed European policy discussions with an overview of the main trends and developments in the financing of university research and innovation. The objective of this study has been to illustrate needs and potential methods for gathering systematic data and an analysis of key elements of the funding of research and innovation in Europe. The study has been made possible by a grant from DG Research – Directorate for Science and Society.

In conducting the study, EUA has drawn upon the support of thirty-four national rectors’ conferences from the EUA membership – including the twenty-five countries of the enlarged European Union – who were asked to perform two key tasks: first, to provide access to national information sources on financing university research and innovation; and second, to recommend a sample of research-active universities willing and interested in providing information for the study.

The Funding of University-based Research and Innovation in Europe

Bernadette Conraths and Hanne Smidt

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