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The Conversation, a free online non-profit news media organisation aiming to share knowledge by amplifying the voices of researchers in the public discourse, has launched its Europe edition.
The Conversation’s mission is to provide reliable, research-based expertise to shed light on current affairs. All articles in the Europe edition of The Conversation are edited by regional and national editorial teams.
Universities and research institutes support The Conversation by joining as financial members to safeguard the current service and help improve its coverage and features. In its pilot phase, The Conversation Europe reached 14 member institutions, and is looking to increase its membership. Interested institutions can contact
If you are an academic who would like to write for The Conversation, please contact them on their website.
The European University Association welcomes the adoption by the Council of the European Union of the Conclusions on research assessment and implementation of Open Science. ...
This report presents the detailed results from the EUA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices at universities in Europe. ...
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the Association’s priorities in this field and describes the current context, challenges and developments envisaged for the coming years. In addition, it out ...
This report presents a collection of seven case studies describing how FAIR competences are being addressed through education and training programmes. The good practices offer examples of successful i ...
This report presents the findings of the 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey and provides evidence-based recommendations for institutions, researchers, research funders and policy makers on the transiti ...
The process to renew the European Research Area (ERA) is gathering pace and is set to continue in the coming weeks, months and years. Building on previous policy positions, this policy input further e ...
The European Commission’s Industrial Strategy for Europe and the European Digital Strategy launched in the spring of 2020 offer an opportunity for a broad and holistic approach to fundamental challe ...
The fourth edition of the EUA Open Access Survey Report tracks European universities’ progress towards Open Access by looking at the degree to which they have implemented institutional policies and ...
EUA Open Access Survey Report 2016-2017 tracks European universities’ progress towards Open Access by looking at the degree to which they have implemented institutional policies and practices i ...
In parallel with the efforts to persuade researchers to practice Open Science, and the need to develop new research assessment methodologies that fairly assess the scientific quality of the ...
This document presents a set of aims and recommendations for university leaders and National Rectors’ Conferences to assist them in facilitating effective research data management (RDM) and tex ...
EUA has been monitoring developments in the area of Open Science, in particular Open Access to research publications, from an institutional perspective, since 2007. The questionnaire ...
The publication and dissemination of scientific outcomes is part of the backbone of scientific activities. In general, the conditions for publishing and publication usage in recent years hav ...
With the publication of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, the European University Association is pleased to see new efforts to support the openness of the entire research process ...
Applications are being accepted for the FAIR-IMPACT project's second open call for support. ...
The British University in Egypt, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Zayed University are extending an invitation to the COP28simulation. The deadline for applications is 6 September. ...
EUA member Riga Technical University (RTU) has launched a tenure system and offers eight tenured professor positions. Tenured professors selected by competition will be confirmed in their positions fo ...
The IAU 2023 International Conference will be held from 25-27 November at Qatar University in Doha, Qatar. The conference will discuss the theme Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercu ...
EUA member Universidade Aberta (UAb) has launched a call for application for the position of Rector. ...
Researchers play a key role in making their outputs findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) but equally the organisations who employ them, the funding bodies that financially support a ...
The European University Association, alongside several fellow associations that represent universities and university libraries, has called for the EU’s co-legislators to ensure that the proposed Da ...
On 16 March, the first meeting of the newly recomposed European University Association Expert Group on Open Science (EGOS) took place in Brussels. ...
The FAIR-IMPACT project recently launched an open call for EOSC FAIR Champions, aiming to select 12 experts to act as ambassadors for FAIR research data, engage their communities and advocate for the ...
EUA and other associations representing European universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries, and repositories in Europe have released a joint s ...
EUA joined CESAER and Science Europe to call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes. In a joint statement published on 25 May, the th ...
Open science requires a sustainable, trustworthy and comprehensive network of repositories that can support researchers around the world in managing, sharing and preserving their data. Strengthening a ...
FAIR data is an essential component of the open research ecosystem. In this article, Alexander Refsum Jensenius argues that "FAIRification" can also benefit research-based and research-led education, ...
While Europe discusses its data strategy, the digital transformation must be on the radar of universities. Digital skills, the infrastructure and support for “FAIR” research data management, and t ...
It is at the apex of higher education, research and innovation, but issues around integrity and employability must be addressed for doctoral education to continue to thrive, says Luke Georghiou. Ambi ...
EUA has developed its vision for Europe’s universities in 2030. After intensive consultations with more than 100 experts and visionaries from the EUA membership and a wide range of external partners ...
Making data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable – is becoming more and more the standard expectation for European research projects. ...
The EUA-CDE Annual Meeting in 2018 included perspectives from outside Europe. Speakers from Asia, Africa and North America presented our European community with the global dimension of doctoral educat ...
The European Research Area (ERA) reflects the European Commission and EU member states’ ambition to create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU. It was f ...
The influence of the digital transition is being felt across large swathes of society. This includes universities in their research, education and innovation missions, but also in their general organi ...