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On 2 December, the Community of Practice of European Universities alliances (FOREU4AALL), was officially launched at an online event that brought together more than 230 representatives from alliances, the European Commission and university stakeholder organisations.

FOREU4ALL is supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme, as a four-year project. By establishing a community of practice, it will bring together representatives of alliances to address common challenges, exchange experiences and good practices.

The European University Association is pleased to be part of FOREU4ALL as associated partner and member of the external advisory board. As such, EUA will ensure that the project remains linked to the wider higher education sector and offer its expertise on relevant topics. On the external advisory board, the Association will join fellow stakeholders, namely the European Association for the Applied Sciences in Higher Education (EURASHE), the European Students’ Union (ESU), the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

EUA has extensively engaged with the European Universities Initiative from its inception. The Association contributes to shaping policies on alliances and transnational cooperation, notably by participating in related working groups with the European Commission, member states and stakeholders. Furthermore, EUA supports its members that wish to engage in transnational cooperation, both within and beyond the European Universities alliances, through its wide-ranging expertise from quality assurance to joint education provision, research and innovation as well as governance, funding, leadership development and foresight.

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