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The RM Roadmap project consortium needs your support to ensure that the voices of research managers (RMs) are heard at the highest levels.
The European Commission and countries across Europe want to better understand the current research management ecosystem. Your knowledge and expertise is needed as part of this consultation. The RM Roadmap project consortium wants to create a plan to professionalise research management in Europe. This co-creation exercise will support the creation of that plan, which is meant strengthen the European Research Area (ERA).
The RM Roadmap project co-creation process will see research managers from 40 nations across Europe discussing the current research management landscapes in their countries. RMs will join a conversation in an exciting new online space (the Knowledge and Community Platform) about the research management profession, one discussion group per country, led by the national RM Roadmap Ambassador. Find out who your country’s Ambassador is via the list.
Join us for the free demonstration session on Monday, 25 September at 14:00 - 15:30 CEST.
Following the discussion, the RM Roadmap Ambassador will create a consensus document for the specific country. Then the national community will vote on the consensus document and this information will go forward to inform the European Commission and European RM communities.
Registration for the co-creation space will open September 25 and can be accessed via the and websites.
Interoperability, if effectively implemented across European higher education, can deepen inter-institutional cooperation and transform traditional learning pathways. ...
The European University Association (EUA) calls on European and national policy makers to make a substantial leap forward in supporting transnational university cooperation including the alliances und ...
Transnational joint education provision — education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries — has emerged as a desired experience for many students, a ke ...
Higher education and research form the backbone of European innovation and development, and with it, the EU’s global competitiveness and long-term ambitions to tackle complex societal challenges. ...
This report analyses external drivers of change in six dimensions (political, economic, social, legal, technological and environmental) and outlines four different forecasts of possible futures for tr ...
The Erasmus+ programme is of key importance to the higher education sector, but despite its success, it requires further enhancement. ...
To properly measure the progress of the European Universities Initiative, a holistic approach that focuses on real added value for universities and their communities is essential. ...
The Scorecard 2023 provides a full comparative analysis of the state of play of university autonomy in 35 higher education systems in Europe. ...
As the European Universities Initiative moves into a new phase, EUA has taken stock of its impact thus far, notably in how it may further policy reforms that benefit transnational university cooperati ...
Amid renewed political interest in transnational university collaboration, notably joint educational provision, the European Commission has indicated that it will test possible criteria for a European ...
This is the first briefing in a new EUA series focused on evolving university governance. The present publication explores the governance set-up of the European University Alliances formed under the E ...
As European leaders work towards an agreement on the European Union’s next seven-year budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework, and the related Next Generation EU recovery plan to help the EU’s ...
The European Commission’s new proposal for the next seven-year budget of the European Union together with the Next Generation EU recovery plan falls short of much needed investment in research, inno ...
The European Universities Initiative has been at the centre of many discussions in European higher education and research for the past couple of years. Universities across the continent enthusiastical ...
In early 2020, EUA conducted a survey on international strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative that gathered responses from 219 higher education institutions from ...
Building synergies between education, research and innovation across disciplines is crucial to tackling the major challenges our societies face. As the European Union projects ambitious policy goals, ...
Fifteen university associations join together to call for an ambitious long-term EU budget for research, innovation and education to boost efforts to solve the manifold future challenges. ...
The EFFECT project produced a feasibility study on how teaching enhancement can be promoted in the most efficient manner at the European level. Launched at the 2019 European Learning & Teaching Fo ...
In December 2024, the European Commission reported on pilot projects that explored measures to further integrate higher education across Europe. ...
As the European Union prepares for the next five years, it is essential that Europe’s universities play an active role in shaping the policy agenda for the new mandate. ...
On 2 December, the Community of Practice of European Universities alliances (FOREU4AALL), was officially launched at an online event that brought together more than 230 representatives from alliances, ...
In November 2024, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament (ITRE) published a draft report on the implementation of Horizon Europe and recommendations for its successo ...
On 17 September, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen unveiled the Commissioners-designate and their portfolios. ...
On 28 June the European Commission published the results of the 2024 Erasmus+ call for the European Universities Initiative. ...
On 27 March, the European Commission published a new higher education package, including proposals for Council Recommendations on a European recognition and quality assurance (QA) system and attractiv ...
The online conference “Beyond Europe: R&I Internationalization Strategies for European Universities” will take place on 24 January 2024 and it is hosted by the MCI | The Entrepreneurial School ...
On 3 October, the European Commission launched the 2024 Erasmus+ call for European Universities alliances. The aim is to reach the political goal of 60 alliances with more than 500 higher education in ...
The European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) is pleased to announce the 8th EWORA Conference which will be co-organized by EWORA, Istanbul Technical University ARI Technopark and Kadir Has Universit ...
AURORAL Smart Learning Community is a professional learning network that follows the principles of mutual learning and the community science and is centered around the H2020-AURORAL project. It is bei ...
The OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) has published the report “Promoting diverse career pathways for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers”. ...
To what extent are Alliances of European Universities transforming higher education and research? Circle U. and UCLouvain are organising the event on 24 October in Brussels, Belgium, and online to ref ...
The European Students’ Union (ESU) Board Meeting held in Tbilisi approved the creation of a consultative body to ESU that will gather the student representatives from the student councils of the Eur ...
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) has published a new report analysing the intermediate progress of the research and innovation projects of 17 European university alliances supported by Hor ...
Coimbra Group member universities are offering 90 scholarships for young professors and researchers that are both national and residents of Latin American, Sub-Saharan Africa or European neighbourhood ...
Current crises, and the geo-political, economic, social, environmental and technological change and uncertainty that they bring, are impacting how universities work, follow their missions and collabor ...
Six Turkish universities are raising funds to support university students affected by the devastating recent earthquakes. ...
The fourth European Universities call under the Erasmus+ programme is now open for submissions. ...
The European Commission has launched a new Erasmus+ call for proposals to pilot a joint European degree label and test institutionalised EU cooperation instruments, such as a possible European legal s ...
EU education ministers welcome the European Strategy for Universities and have confirmed their support for the four priority areas in the higher education package put forward by the European Commissio ...
On 18 January 2022, the European Commission launched a new higher education package, including a European Strategy for Universities and a Commission proposal for a Council recommendation on transnatio ...
On 30 November, the European Commission published the 2022 call for proposals for alliances under the European Universities Initiative. ...
On 17 May 2021, the Education Ministers of EU member states adopted Council Conclusions on the European Universities Initiative. The Council Conclusions come at a crucial point as the mid-term evaluat ...
The European Universities Initiative created alliances with big goals, but they must also deal with a complex funding landscape. Five years in, the team from Una Europa describes what their first-hand ...
What is the state of university finances in Europe, and what does the future hold? Enora Bennetot Pruvot previews EUA’s latest funding research in University World News. ...
What would it actually mean if ‘Brussels’ had more of a say on education policy? EUA’s Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik weighs in on the resurging debate on whether the EU has the power it needs to foster ...
Digital transitions pervade every aspect of our lives, but some university teachers still appear reluctant to develop their digital competences. For Barbara Bruschi and Manuela Repetto, it is urgent t ...
Beyond getting the technology in place, digitally enhanced learning and teaching (DELT) in higher education requires considerable resources and engagement, strategy and leadership. In this article for ...
Collaborative teaching is finally gaining momentum in and between European universities. But what tangible benefits does this offer to teachers and their institutions? Here, Joan-Tomàs Pujolà outlin ...
Martin Prchal expands the debate on teaching and learning to how institutions should see themselves as learners in their continuous endeavours to improve the learning experience of their students. Her ...
National, system-level initiatives can support and enhance learning and teaching, as highlighted in the study National Developments in Learning and Teaching in Europe. While higher education instituti ...
The European Strategy for Universities proposes steps towards European degrees, a European legal statute for university alliances and foresees the expansion of the European Universities Initiative. Be ...
Current assessment practices do not reflect what students know, understand and what they can do. A new assessment literacy that emphasises evidence-based instruction and self-regulation in student lea ...
A successful curriculum is interdependent with a successful assessment. Manuel João Costa from the University of Minho emphasises the importance of institutions understanding their own assumptions ab ...
The concept of leadership in teaching is not easy to pin down. Drawing from the LOTUS project, EUA expert Thérèse Zhang explores two definitions and highlights the roles that leaders in teaching cou ...
This piece by Oliver Vettori of the Vienna University of Economics and Business analyses the tightrope walk of university leadership. It points out the importance of getting experts to agree on a way ...
When Covid-19 forced universities to quickly switch to online and blended learning and teaching, the European University Association was already deep into the preparation of a study on the topic. This ...
In a rapidly-changing labour market, how can students be prepared to be citizens of the world, as well as the future job creators and workers? Wyn Morgan and Catherine O’Mahony look at the definitio ...
The radical digitalisation of higher education due to the Covid-19 crisis offers an opportunity to engage in deeper institutional change addressing the digital and green transitions. As Natalia Timus ...
Learning is the core of education, and curriculum design is the key to learning. It combines all dimensions of university education and contributes significantly to its quality. This is, however, easi ...
Why should universities collect formative data at the course level if they aim to make evidence-based improvements in learning and teaching? Murat Sözer and Zuhal Zeybekoğlu from the Koç University ...
The shift to a student-centered education system has implied disruptive change in learning and teaching. Roberta Moscon from the University of Trento discusses how more higher education institutions a ...
An interview with Michael Gaebel.In 2013, a European Commission high-level expert group report pointed to the fact that in all areas of education becoming a teacher usually requires formalised pedagog ...
Quality assurance and the enhancement of learning and teaching are no longer exclusively the responsibility of those with the explicit responsibilities attached to their job titles. As EUA’s Tia Lou ...
Addressing the lack of recognition for the value of effective teaching requires more than making participation in teaching enhancement yet another requirement for academics, writes EUA Director, Highe ...
The University of Jyväskylä in Finland is redefining the role of language and communication skills in curriculum development and aiming to educate multilingual academic professionals. A university-w ...
Research-based education is happening in Europe, but there are clear challenges with how it is defined and understood. Bjørn Stensaker from the University of Oslo breaks down the topic and makes some ...
As discussions are underway at the European Learning & Teaching Forum, EUA’s Tia Loukkola gives an overview of the extensive work taking place in the field, including reports, lessons learnt by ...
Student-centered and active learning are a necessity for European universities to remain relevant to young people and society. Cecilia Christersson and Patricia Staaf of Malmö University discuss the ...
A higher education institution’s graduates reflect the achievement of intended learning outcomes as well as successful learning and teaching practices. Jurgita Vizgirdaite from the Kaunas University ...
The relationship between higher education institutions and society, as well as between learning and teaching, is evolving. This is driven by the changing ways in which students learn, different types ...
Higher education institutions have been and are investing in finding a better balance between the valorisation of teaching and research. The example of KU Leuven, in Belgium, shows that even though an ...
The need to better professionalise academic teaching careers is now on the agenda of more and more universities in Europe. Iwona Maciejowska from Jagiellonian University explains why these universitie ...
More than ever before, universities in Europe are becoming interested in fundraising. Christian Vranek discusses the different kinds of income-generating partnerships for universities and why they mat ...
The continuous development of teaching competences needs commitment at all levels. It is a systematic process that requires a framework for teaching performance, a professionalisation body, preferably ...
The EUA Thematic Peer Group on the evaluation of learning and teaching has enhanced a student partnership project at Queen’s University, Belfast. Claire Dewhirst, chair of the Thematic Peer Group, e ...
Since the beginning of time scientific research has been based on exchanges between peers: personal letters, books, articles in specialised journals. But the last 70 years have seen a burst in this se ...
With nearly 40 per cent of Europeans aged 30-34 now holding tertiary qualifications, universities have their work cut out delivering good learner-paced education to increasingly large and diverse popu ...
In the run up to the European University Association’s first pan-European Learning and Teaching Forum in Paris 28-29 September, we speak to Professor Jean Chambaz, a European University Association ...
Europe has a unique multilateral and multilevel framework for cooperation in higher education and research. For more than two decades, governments across Europe have built a common framework for highe ...
EUA has developed its vision for Europe’s universities in 2030. After intensive consultations with more than 100 experts and visionaries from the EUA membership and a wide range of external partners ...
The EUniQ project aimed to develop in close cooperation with European Universities, a quality assurance approach for European Universities. ...
The South African government has expressed its ambition to substantially increase the number of doctoral graduates by 2030. Graduates will be prepared for a world that is more connected in both cultur ...
The European Universities Initiative aims to strengthen strategic and in-depth transnational collaboration through the development of alliances involving universities from several European countries. ...
In parallel to well-established European collaboration in higher education within the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area, the European Union is working towards creating a Euro ...
To shape the future that universities want, we must proactively engage with possible futures. The world is changing rapidly. And with it, universities and their contexts are changing. Among the major ...