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Foreword and Acknowledgements by Henrik Toft Jensen

Part 1.  2010 is here: How far have we come and where are we going?

Higher education between the masses and the market: An outsider’s reflections about trends in quality assurance by Pedro Nuno Teixeira
2009 Bologna Stocktaking findings on higher education quality assurance by Andrejs Rauhvargers
External quality assurance in the EHEA: Quo Vadis? Reflections on functions, legitimacy and limitations by Jon Haakstad
Indicators we live by? On the quantity-quality dilemma by Johan Falk
Innovation, learning and quality assurance: Mission impossible? by Bjørn Stensaker

Part 2.  In the crossroads of internal and external quality assurance: What becomes of diversity and creativity?

External quality assurance and accreditation: Is there still room to think outside the box? by Evelyn Knoors, with contributions of Ilse Verachtert and Ian Segal
Acronym soup: Institutional diversity and the development of quality assurance in Ireland by Bartley Rock
Why respecting diversity and creativity is essential in quality assurance and accreditation processes: Observations and experiences from the field of music by Linda Messas and Martin Prchal
Quality assurance alignment by Pedro Lourtie
Quality assurance and internal institutional diversity by Heinz Lechleiter
Quality assurance: A Departmental Administrator’s view by Anne K. Craven



This selection of papers was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Creativity and Diversity: Challenges for Quality Assurance beyond 2010


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