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Foreword and Acknowledgements by Henrik Toft Jensen 

1. Introduction

 Looking back – looking forward: Quality assurance and the Bologna process by Sybille Reichert 

2. Standards and Quality Models: Theoretical Considerations 

“Flexibilising” standards? The role of quality standards within a participative quality culture by Manfred Lueger and Oliver Vettori

3. Quality Assurance Models in Europe

Quality assurance in higher education institutions
Evaluation of teacher competence in Spain: The DOCENTIA programme by Esteve Arboix Codina and Eduardo García Jiménez
Multiplicity of methods in assessment as a form of quality assurance, quality control & quality improvement by Justin Rami and John Lalor
Sectoral models
Introduction of a UK wide, risk-based quality assurance framework for professional education by Roger Thompson
Quality assurance and accreditation in the European Higher Education Area: Music as a case study by Martin Prchal
Accreditation and QA of engineering education in Europe: Setting up a pan-European system by Giuliano Augusti, Ian Freeston, Günter Heitmann and René-Paul Martin
National models
The changing political framework of quality assurance in German higher education: National debates in the European context by Johanna Witte
How can external quality assurance support institutional quality management by Anke Hanft and Alexander Kohler

4. Assessment of Quality Assurance Models

University institutional evaluation and academic achievement by Samuel Fernández, J. Esteban Fernández and Alberto Álvarez
The fifteen year evaluation experience in Italian universities with its crisis factors and a desire for Europe by Eliana Minelli, Gianfranco Rebora and Matteo Turri
International review of the Portuguese quality assurance system by Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa

5. Conclusions

Using the European Standards and Guidelines: Some concluding remarks by Lee Harvey

6. References


This selection of papers was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Implementing And Using Quality Assurance: Strategy And Practice


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