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In recent years, Turkish higher education system has witnessed to a radical change by the establishment of Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (THEQC), which has both financial and administrative independence.

Currently, there are 207 HEIs in Turkey; and since 2016, THEQC has completed the institutional external evaluation (IEE) of 160 HEIs. In this respect, it is clear that the success of these evaluations is highly dependent on experience, capabilities, and behavioural features of evaluation teams. In this paper, it is aimed to explain the unique evaluator training programs of THEQC, which were designed by the experts to prepare evaluation teams for IEE of HEIs. THEQC regularly collected feedbacks from the participants at the end of each evaluator training program. Consequently, a wide spectrum of training programs were developed including face-to-face and interactive programs, case-based trainings, on-line training platforms with videos and tests.

This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

ISSN: 1375-3797

The Impact of On-line Simulation Platform on Training of Evaluation Team Members

Sina Ercan (THEQC), Aslihan Nasir (THEQC), Abdullah Yasin Gunduz (THEQC), Gonca Ukudag (THEQC), Sibel Aksu Yildirim (THEQC), Muzaffer Elmas (THEQC), Buket Akkoyunlu (THEQC)

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