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One of the main concepts of the ESG is that they are European. Nevertheless, even if they provide a framework for quality assurance in the entire EHEA, the ESG also apply to quality assurance activities with a very limited international scope. In their Part 1, the word ‘international’ hardly features and no reference is being made towards the promotion of internationalisation activities (e.g. staff mobility or international benchmarking) as tools to support quality assurance. By providing examples from the field of higher music education, this article shows concrete ways in which quality assurance can be supported by international activities.

After claiming that quality is only achieved through a focus on standards as well as on educational quality, the paper presents international activities which can help institutions to improve in these two areas, and ends by introducing an international approach to external quality assurance addressing both standards and educational quality.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

How to support quality through international activities - Case studies from the field of higher music education

Martin Prchal, Linda Messas

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