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Work-Based Learning is gradually becoming an integrated key component in many HE programmes covering a significant number of ECTS credits. It is therefore remarkable that until now not much time and effort has been dedicated to developing instruments to guarantee its quality. An inventory made by ENQA shows that only single QA organisations have taken initial initiatives, but that a comprehensive model for quality assurance of this type of learning is absent.

In the context of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance Project a consortium of universities, employers organisations and EURASHE and ENQA has developed detailed replicable models for high quality internships, traineeships and entrepreneurships. An important component is to assure the standards of these moods of learning. The suggested approach has been outlined in a paper – to be presented and discussed in the session – which analyses the applicability of the ESG for WBL.

This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

ISSN: 1375-3797

Filling the Gap. Defining a Robust Quality Assurance Model for Work-Based Learning in Higher Education

Anaïs Gourdin (ENQA), Milja Homan (ENQA), Robert Wagenaar (University of Groningen)

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