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Student satisfaction is important not only for improving learning outcomes but also for improving retention, progression and completion rates. Raising student satisfaction is strongly correlated to high student engagement in the evaluation and development of pedagogy and in the governance and management of learning institutions.

Learning is enhanced when students become active partners, as opposed to consumers, within a continuously evolving learning environment. This research presents a study of student engagement for enhancing student participation and learning outcomes. A collaborative research team comprising academic and student leaders, a national quality assurance and qualifications agency and a national funding authority, conducted the research. Research included site visits to a number of HEI’s that included focus groups and consultations with key stakeholders. The research led to the development of key principles and sample practices that all HEI’s can use for strengthening their student engagement policies and for embedding improvement at the heart of the institution.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Embedding Improvement through Student Engagement

Maeve O’Riordan, David O’Sullivan, Tom Collins, Karina McGuire

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