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This paper adds to the recommendations of the European University Association (EUA) Learning and Teaching Paper #22 “Challenges and enablers in designing transnational joint education provision”.

The thematic peer group report from March 2024 defines Transnational Joint Education Provision (TJEP) as education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries. The authors of this paper have extensive experience in the management as well as quality assurance of an international MBA programme. The International Business School Alliance (IBSA) dual degree master’s programme is a double degree programme with elements of a joint degree carried out by currently four universities from four different countries, which together form IBSA. Established in 2003, the Alliance enables students to study at two universities in two different countries, thus receiving two MBA/Master’s Degrees. After completing the core modules - which are identical at all locations - with the first IBSA-partner, students move to a second IBSA-partner to continue with one of the offered specializations. The authors' goal is to complement and expand upon the recommendations already in place in the peer group report by EUA. To complement the recommendation category Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, the authors suggest adding communication structures and additional tests and quizzes. They also suggest further refinements to some of the existing recommendations in the categories Organizational-Level Recommendations and Staff Collaboration and Expertise. The authors seek to portray good practices in regards to the design of transnational joint education that can be transferred to other higher education institutions.

This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

ISSN: 1375-3797

Discourse on the EUA report “Challenges and enablers in designing transnational joint education provision”: Additions and extensions to the given recommendations

Anja Gleissner, Frank Giesa, Frank Fürstenberg

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