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Taking into consideration the paucity of information in the area of external quality assurance activity of quality assurance agencies (QAAs) the present paper provides a first attempt to fill in the gaps.

The study is based on the responses of 60 surveyed QAAs and considers the activities of respondents who operate within different national contexts (evaluation/audit/accreditation at programme or institutional level), the practices and procedures employed (criteria and processes, publication of reports, follow-up activities, expert team, appeals and complaints procedure etc.) as well as the perceived benefits and challenges by these QAAs that carry out reviews across borders. The findings also provides a basis for considering measures that could facilitate the EQA activity of agencies within EHEA, while working in compliance with the European Standards and Guidelines.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.


An analysis of the Quality Assurance Agencies activities across borders

Szabo Melinda

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