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The ORPHEUS/AMSE1/WFME2 PhD standards document, published January 2012, is a practical tool for quality assurance of PhD programmes. Another document, the new PhD principles document: “Best practice based principles for innovative doctoral training”, approved by the EU Council of Ministers is fully compatible with the PhD standards document. For this reason, ORPHEUS has expressed a wish to work closely with the European Commission on implementing this in the field of biomedicine and health sciences.

The PhD standards document could also provide a basis for global conversations concerning the quality and content of PhD programmes. To increase awareness of the PhD standards document, national workshops should be held. In addition, ORPHEUS will introduce a labelling project based on initial self-evaluation and external evaluation of web site, which may be followed up by some form of site visit, of academics with experience in PhD education.



This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

ORPHEUS consensus about internal, external and international evaluation of PhD programmes in biomedicine and health sciences

Roland Jonsson, Michael J. Mulvany and Zdravko Lackovic

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