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EUA requested its collective members (the rectors’ conferences) to react on the European Commission’s draft Memorandum on Lifelong Learning and to comment on the impact of national lifelong learning policies on higher education.

This analysis of the EUA members’ response includes the range of opinion from across the continent, even if the draft memorandum addresses the EU Member States only.

The report is structured in four parts:

• Part I: Lifelong learning and higher education addresses the issue of how higher education positions itself in the debate on lifelong learning
and places the discussion in the current higher education context;

• Part II: The six key messages of the Memorandum comments on the draft text;

• Part III: A European strategy for lifelong learning tries to explore the European dimension of lifelong learning, from the higher education point of view;

• Part IV: Lifelong learning in higher education in practice identifies some of the concerns of the institutions working on the ground.

In each part, recommendations follow analysis, which is illustrated with examples of practice. The most important comments and recommendations are highlighted in the Executive Summary.

Consultation on the EC Draft Memorandum on Lifelong Learning

Mary O' Mahony

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