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The European University Association (EUA) would like to respond to the issues paper on the New Skills Agenda, that it has received both as a member of the EQF Advisory Group (AG) and the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG):

1. A New Skills Agenda should encourage European- and national-level strategies, roadmaps and missions in flexible learning and career paths with a clear reference to the different education sectors and their particular roles and missions. For higher education, they should include the respective representative organisations with an active role.

2. In addition to skills for employment and the labour market, the New Skills Agenda should underline the general importance of education and skills for the wider benefit of individuals and society. Social inclusiveness and integration should be strong elements.

3. A re-assessment of European structures and instruments regarding their usefulness and added value is principally welcome. As for all structures and instruments, any decision on a revision and new and additional purposes, as in the case of the EUROPASS and the EQF, require proper consultation at policy and stakeholder levels.

EUA's Response to the New Skills Agenda Issues Paper

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