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This report presents the final outcomes of the EU-funded “Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European universities” (LOTUS) project.

LOTUS set out to contribute to capacity building and strategic change management for learning and teaching at higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe and explored the potential of various actors (including HEIs, ministries, national agencies, university associations, student and staff unions) to support transformation and innovation in learning and teaching.

As such, the project was inspired by growing interest in learning and teaching from both HEIs and governments in a European context, notably that of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Building on this increased visibility, LOTUS activities explored pre-existing good practices at institutional and national level, offered opportunities for peer-learning on leadership in teaching and created multiple opportunities for policy dialogue focused on the enhancement of learning and teaching.

The report summarises lessons learnt and key messages from the activities of LOTUS. It details priorities and common challenges in learning and teaching identified by higher education institutions, in topics such as student-centred learning, teaching staff development, inter-institutional collaboration and digitalisation, and provides examples of practices and leadership approaches to address them. It also addresses the concept of leadership in teaching, a horizontal issue in all project activities, and provides recommendations for higher education institutions in this regard.

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Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities

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