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The DIAMAS (Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication) project has recently launched a consultation on the first draft of a set of actionable recommendations and guidelines for Diamond Open Access (OA).

The project – of which EUA is a partner – aims to support Diamond Open Access and institutional publishing by setting new standards, increasing visibility and promoting the sustainability of a diverse publishing landscape.

This consultation will gather feedback on the first draft of a set of actionable recommendations and guidelines for Diamond OA, which is currently being developed through a co-creation exercise involving stakeholders at European, national and institutional levels.

The feedback collected through this consultation will be used to further refine and improve the recommendations and guidelines. Once published in 2025, they will help institutions, funders, sponsors and donors, as well as policy makers, to support the Diamond OA model in scholarly publishing.

The following stakeholder groups are invited to participate in the consultation:

  • Institutional leaders and Diamond OA practitioners working in universities, other research performing organisations and learned societies
  • European research funders, sponsors, and donors that provide financial or in-kind support to Diamond OA outputs.
  • National and European policy makers.

The consultation will be open until Friday 29 November, CoB.

If you would like to learn more about this process, the DIAMAS project is also holding an online event ‘Creating Actionable Policy Recommendations and Guidelines for Diamond Open Access’ on Monday 18 November, from 13.00 to 15.00 CET.

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