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GRANteD is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, investigating the existence and emergence of gender bias in the decision-making processes of research funding and scientific careers over the past few years.

The project has made discoveries about the various evaluation and decision-making processes in research funding and the impact of grants on scientific career trajectories, information that is highly applicable to other contexts of the research system like research assessment processes or inclusive research cultures. GRANteD explored these topics through a variety of case studies, looked at this from the perspective of different methods and data, and were able to generate diverse and intriguing results.

The second GRANteD stakeholder conference, taking place on 19-20 October 2023 in Vienna and online, will present these results publicly and discuss their significance for various stakeholders in the research system.

For more information, registration and the detailed programme, please visit the GRANteD website.

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