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The 33rd EAIE Conference and Exhibition will take place from 26–29 September, at Rotterdam Ahoy convention centre. This year’s conference theme is ‘Connecting currents’, celebrating the maritime history of Rotterdam.
A wide range of interactive sessions, workshops and local campus visits will be held throughout the week, along with 17 networking events around Rotterdam city centre. The EAIE Conference and Exhibition is the largest international higher education conference in Europe, drawing more than 6000 professionals from about 95 countries. Through 250+ cutting-edge sessions and activities, nine in-depth workshops, a showcase of over 200 exhibition stands and an array of networking events, the EAIE Conference gives participants the opportunity to enhance their expertise, explore current trends in higher education and establish partnerships with institutions from around the world.
For more information and registration, please visit the official conference website, and follow the event hashtag #EAIE2023 on EAIE social media channels: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Staff development in teaching is an important driver of efforts to further enhance L&T at European higher education institutions. ...
For the European higher education sector, the past five years have seen many changes and transformations, some gradual, others more drastic and disruptive. ...
The European University Association (EUA) calls on European and national policy makers to make a substantial leap forward in supporting transnational university cooperation including the alliances und ...
In the context of European higher education, learning and teaching centres are generally located within an institution, with their primary mission being to support the development of the institution ...
Transnational joint education provision — education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries — has emerged as a desired experience for many students, a ke ...
This report presents findings of a preparatory survey conducted among 33 higher education institutions (HEI) who have participated in peer-to-peer counselling missions, as part of a project focused on ...
The wide-ranging ambitions of the European Green Deal provide a policy framework to integrate the scientific, educational, and institutional dimensions of universities’ contribution to the green tra ...
This report presents the key findings and recommendations of the NEWLEAD project’s efforts to build the capacity of university leaders across Europe in steering change and addressing new prior ...
At least 20% of students within the European Higher Education Area should experience mobility to an institution abroad. This briefing examines why this target has never been reached, the ensuing ...
The European University Association (EUA) presents a set of recommendations on sustaining Ukrainian universities and enabling them to continue their research and teaching activities. ...
This NEWLEAD guide offers recommendations and reflections for university leaders, university sector representatives and policy makers interested in setting up a leadership development programme (LDP). ...
To properly measure the progress of the European Universities Initiative, a holistic approach that focuses on real added value for universities and their communities is essential. ...
This report summarises the findings of the EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group "Needs and wellbeing of students and staff", which was active throughout 2022. ...
This report summarises the findings of the EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group “Digitally competent teachers in designing quality learning environments”, which was active throughout 20 ...
This report summarises the findings of the 2022 EUA Thematic Peer Group which explored collaborative teaching practice (CTP) in higher education in detail. ...
Developing a comprehensive approach to innovation for the benefit of universities is at the core of the European University Association’s vision for the future of European higher education and resea ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the field of education, with the forced move of many activities to online environments. This has led to the adoption of a series of changes that focus o ...
At a time of continuing and globally driven change, and with the growing importance of the student voice in quality, the national level of decision-making is a crucial arena for building partnership i ...
As the European Universities Initiative moves into a new phase, EUA has taken stock of its impact thus far, notably in how it may further policy reforms that benefit transnational university cooperati ...
Today, more than ever before, universities are expected to fulfil multiple and increasingly challenging roles. Invariably, university leaders are walking a tightrope, caught between long-term strategy ...
The European Commission is developing a set of non-binding commitments for EU member states regarding the provision of digital skills. This policy input summarises EUA’s input ahead of an eventual C ...
The European University Association welcomes the adoption by the Council of the European Union of the Conclusions on research assessment and implementation of Open Science. ...
Amid renewed political interest in transnational university collaboration, notably joint educational provision, the European Commission has indicated that it will test possible criteria for a European ...
In recent years, co-tutelles de thèse have become increasingly popular among universities in Europe in the area of doctoral education as one of the main components of their internationalisation strat ...
This self-assessment tool was developed by the European University Association (EUA) in partnership with the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (Crue) and the Dutch ...
Based on data collected in 2021 by the International Association of Universities (IAU), Michael Gaebel and Henriette Stoeber reflect on the impact of the pandemic on European higher education. ...
This report presents the detailed results from the EUA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices at universities in Europe. ...
This report provides in-depth analysis of the results of the first-ever Europe-wide survey on universities and innovation. ...
This report outlines the conclusions of the Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group “Strategy and organisational culture”, which explored the role of strategy and organisational culture in pro ...
A European Green Deal that achieves its purpose must be science-driven, with suitable mechanisms for the provision of scientific advice and the boosting of scientific literacy among citizens and polic ...
This report summarises the findings of the EUA Thematic Peer Group ‘‘International Partnerships’’ which explored digitally enhanced internationalisation of higher education in detail. The repo ...
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the Association’s priorities in this field and describes the current context, challenges and developments envisaged for the coming years. In addition, it out ...
This report specifically presents the findings on Open Access from EUA’s 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. ...
This report presents a collection of seven case studies describing how FAIR competences are being addressed through education and training programmes. The good practices offer examples of successful i ...
This report analyses the place of Open Science in the academic assessment approaches of universities across Europe. ...
Given their education, research and societal missions, universities are important actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality, sustainable societies and economies. They are well placed to play ...
This EUA position outlines the preliminary findings of a major study on innovation at European universities. It captures the different levels of innovation capacity at universities, as well as how the ...
This checklist is a guide for universities that wish to further develop their Open Access activities. In recent years, the scholarly publishing system has become much more complex and dynamic. The Ope ...
This publication focuses on geopolitical changes, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, as well as the course of democracy, and how they may impact Europe’s universities. It outlines possible ...
Higher education institutions are key actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable societies, as well as in reaching the objectives of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and the E ...
This report presents the findings of the 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey and provides evidence-based recommendations for institutions, researchers, research funders and policy makers on the transiti ...
In this EUA response to the European Commission Communication on a Global Approach to Research and Innovation, the Association welcomes the goal to promote global research and innovation cooperation b ...
The 2020 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Environmental sustainability of learning and teaching” discussed how learning and teaching can embrace and promote sustainability, and ...
Tento kľúčový dokument je výsledkom rozsiahlych konzultácií a rokovaní s členmi a partnermi EUA počas šesťmesačného obdobia v roku 2020. Presadzuje víziu odolných a efektívnych univer ...
This seminal document is the result of extensive consultations and deliberations with EUA members and partners over a six-month period in 2020. It sets out a vision of resilient and effective universi ...
This report and the accompanying online repository bring together and analyse case studies in responsible academic career assessment. Gathered by EUA, together with the San Francisco Declaration on Re ...
The process to renew the European Research Area (ERA) is gathering pace and is set to continue in the coming weeks, months and years. Building on previous policy positions, this policy input further e ...
This briefing looks at the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on higher education in Europe over the past six months. In particular, it examines the sudden shift to emergency remote learning and teaching, ...
EUA Strategic Plan The need for strong universities has never been greater in addressing societal challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, resource scarcity, ageing populations, migration a ...
The European Commission’s Industrial Strategy for Europe and the European Digital Strategy launched in the spring of 2020 offer an opportunity for a broad and holistic approach to fundamental challe ...
The European Universities Initiative has been at the centre of many discussions in European higher education and research for the past couple of years. Universities across the continent enthusiastical ...
In early 2020, EUA conducted a survey on international strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative that gathered responses from 219 higher education institutions from ...
The EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Internationalisation in learning and teaching” considers strategic and comprehensive internationalisation as a fit-for-purpose and timely me ...
Based on the data collected for the 2019 Big Deals Survey Report, this publication aims to deliver additional transparency of the dynamics of the scholarly publishing market by providing insights and ...
This report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the current state of research assessment at European universities, and shows why and how institutions are reviewing their evaluation pra ...
The authors of “Plan S” have published revised implementation guidelines. The initiative aims to boost Open Access in scholarly publishing by 2021. EUA welcomes the guidelines, in particular the a ...
The Second EUA Big Deals Survey Report is an updated mapping of major scholarly publishing contracts in Europe. ...
The fourth edition of the EUA Open Access Survey Report tracks European universities’ progress towards Open Access by looking at the degree to which they have implemented institutional policies and ...
This briefing is the first step towards EUA’s commitment to raise awareness and support universities by providing an overview of the key concepts, issues and actors involved in research assessment. ...
Due to a high demand of university pedagogical staff development courses in Finnish universities, the universities were faced with the problem of not being able to offer university pedagogy courses fo ...
The European University Association (EUA) would like to draw attention to the impact the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market will have on European higher education and research. ...
EUA has presented a comprehensive response to the “Plan S” consultation launched by Science Europe. Plan S is aninitiative for Open Access publishing launched in 2018 by an international g ...
This report is a milestone of the EU-supported project “Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan” (2017-2020) and focuses on the state of play of university governance and recommend ...
Sustainable development is crucial to the future of Europe and the entire planet. The framework of the Sustainable Development Goals ensures social cohesion, economic prosperity and protection of the ...
On 4 September 2018, eleven national research funding organisations in Europe jointly published the so-called “Plan S”. Its aim is to accelerate the transition towards Open Access to resea ...
EUA has published a Roadmap on Research Assessment in the Transition to Open Science. The main objective is to raise awareness and support the EUA membership with the development of research asse ...
On 30 May the European Commission released its proposal for the 2021-2027 Erasmus programme. The European University Association (EUA) welcomes the draft as a solid basis for discussion on t ...
As the Bologna Process looks towards its third decade, EUA has published a statement focusing on how to further the Process’s achievements and enhance its ability to respond to a changing ...
The EUA Big Deals Survey Report: The first mapping of major scientific publishing contracts in Europe presents data from 28 negotiating consortia. The data, which was gathered between July 2 ...
EUA Open Access Survey Report 2016-2017 tracks European universities’ progress towards Open Access by looking at the degree to which they have implemented institutional policies and practices i ...
As Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK are moving into the second phase, EUA calls for a comprehensive view on academic cooperation and urges the EU institutions to include this in ...
In parallel with the efforts to persuade researchers to practice Open Science, and the need to develop new research assessment methodologies that fairly assess the scientific quality of the ...
This document presents a set of aims and recommendations for university leaders and National Rectors’ Conferences to assist them in facilitating effective research data management (RDM) and tex ...
EUA has been monitoring developments in the area of Open Science, in particular Open Access to research publications, from an institutional perspective, since 2007. The questionnaire ...
The publication and dissemination of scientific outcomes is part of the backbone of scientific activities. In general, the conditions for publishing and publication usage in recent years hav ...
The UK plays an important role in European research and European and global student mobility. In view of Brexit, the European University Association has underlined the importance of kee ...
Ahead of the mid-term review of the Erasmus+ Programme, EUA conducted a consultation of its membership. The survey was open for responses from January to March 2016. In total, 218 higher e ...
This paper presents issues which EUA considers important for universities in addressing the impact of digitalisation and thus which we propose to explore over the coming years in collaborati ...
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the continued implementation of reforms in doctoral education building on the Salzburg Principles and Recommendations. It is directed at ...
The European University Association (EUA) strongly supports the “Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science” launched during the conference “Open Science – From Vision to Action ...
The European University Association (EUA) agreed at its Council meeting on 23 October 2015 on the development of a roadmap to assist European universities in the transition to Open Access (OA). This i ...
Europe needs talented students and researchers in order to achieve its goals for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. For this reason, the European University Association (EUA) welcomes the initia ...
As defined in the Salzburg Recommendations, internationalisation is a significant component of developing the quality of research and of doctoral education within universities. At the s ...
The Open Access checklist is intended as a general guide to key matters that should be considered when institutions plan to develop a policy on Open Access to research publications. It is primari ...
The response to the European Commission public consultation on “Science 2.0: Science in Transition” has been prepared in coordination with the EUA Research Policy Working Group. ...
The present briefing report is another EUA initiative in the field of Open Access (OA) policies, aiming at providing its membership with an informative policy overview. Its overall purpose is&nbs ...
The TRESAL survey, undertaken under the ALPHA PUENTES project, gathered information developments in Latin American higher education over the past decade, through responses from university leadership, ...
The Alfa PUENTES Project is an international cooperation initiative created to foster the development of the Latin American Higher Education Area. Led by European and Latin American university associa ...
La encuesta TRESAL tuvo por objetivos: i) recabar la opinión de las universidades, sus profesores y estudiantes, sobre la importancia y los avances en los temas de mayor interés para las agend ...
As internationalisation is of growing importance for universities, EUA has been actively contributing to the development of European internationalisation at both institutional and policy levels. In th ...
The report is the result of the project Europe-Africa Quality Connect: Building Institutional Capacity through Partnership (QA Connect) that took place between October 2010 and September 2012. Th ...
The starting point for the CODOC project was the need to develop a new, global approach to doctoral education, taking into account the development of new means of communication and easi ...
Le rapport est le résultat du projet intitulé Europe- Afrique Quality Connect : Construire une capacité institutionnelle à travers le partenariat (QA Connect), qui s’est déroulé ...
The Access to Success project (2008-2010), funded by the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union, aimed at raising awareness of access and retention issues in higher education in Africa and Eur ...
EUA responded to the European Commission’s consultation on the Future of the EU programmes. The EU programmes have a European added value, which could be further enhanced, and which is critical ...
Le Livre Blanc du projet « Accès à la réussite – Pour renforcer la confiance et les échanges entre l’Europe et l’Afrique » est lancé à un moment important à plusieurs titres : tout d’ ...
The white paper resulting from the project "Access to Success: Fostering Trust and Exchange between Europe and Africa" comes at a particularly critical moment in various regards: first, it arrive ...
In January 2007 EUA established a “Working Group on Open Access” for a one year period as a platform of expert opinion to provide both a voice for, and visibility to European universities ...
EUA´s role in promoting the external dimension of the Bologna Process, and whether and to what extent the association should enhance its international activities, have been addressed briefl ...
On 10-11 April 2006, the Consejo Universitario Iberoamericano (CUIB) and the European University Association (EUA) gathered in Oviedo (Spain), at a meeting hosted jointly by the University o ...
The Western Balkans countries have great potential in spite of the scale of the challenges still facing universities. Despite the problems, governments, higher education institutions and students shar ...
In 2005, the Salzburg Principles were established in the Bologna Process as the basis of the reforms for doctoral education. ...
The Universities of Europe, Latin America and The Caribbean, grouped together in the framework of the Iberoamerican University Council and the European University Association, express their ...
En octobre 2002, le groupe ELU (Europe Latine Universitaire) composé des Présidents et de permanents des conférences de Présidents et de Recteurs suisse, italienne, po ...
In October 2002, ELU (the Latin European Universities Group), an organisation made up of rectors and staff of Swiss, Italian, Portuguese, francophone-Belgian and French rectors’ conferences ...
At the beginning of 2025, the AUREA (AUtomatic REcognition Assessment) project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, kicked off. ...
In December 2024, the European Commission reported on pilot projects that explored measures to further integrate higher education across Europe. ...
As the European University Association’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (EUA-IEP) celebrates thirty years of activity, the programme is now accepting registrations all year round. ...
The DIAMAS (Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication) project has recently launched a consultation on the first draft of a set of actionable recommenda ...
On 11 and 12 October, the European University Association (EUA) attended the annual in-person meeting of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) in Beijing, hosted by the China Association of ...
Starting in April 2025, the European University Association will bring together up to 20 senior university leaders for a pilot Leadership Development Programme that fosters exceptional leadership skil ...
With the publication of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, the European University Association is pleased to see new efforts to support the openness of the entire research process ...
On 28 June the European Commission published the results of the 2024 Erasmus+ call for the European Universities Initiative. ...
The DIAMAS project recently developed the Diamond OA Standard (DOAS), a new tool to promote quality in Diamond open access (OA) publishing. ...
On 29 April, the Register Committee of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) found that the European University Association’s Institutional Evaluation Programme continu ...
Members of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) have released a joint statement on the topic of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education ...
Ukrainian higher education institutions and their communities continue to be profoundly affected by the ongoing hostilities marked, on 24 February 2024, by the two-year anniversary of the Russian Fede ...
On 31 January, the DIAMAS project released the results of its Institutional Publishing Landscape Survey. The key findings are presented in a synopsis –available on Zenodo. ...
Too often, European regulations and directives have been proposed with far-reaching consequences for universities, research centres and the people who work there, but with little or no consideration o ...
The DIAMAS project will organise the webinar “Navigating Europe’s Institutional Publishing Landscape” on Wednesday 7 February at 10:00 (CET). During the event, findings from the project’s Inst ...
In order to better understand the needs, challenges and gaps in policy-making for open access books, the PALOMERA project is launching a survey to gather your feedback. ...
The DIAMAS project recently published the policy brief “Towards an enhanced and aligned institutional publishing landscape in the ERA”, reflecting on the lessons learned after the first year of th ...
EuroScience has opened the call for bids to host the EuroScience Open Forum edition in 2026. ...
GRANteD is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, investigating the existence and emergence of gender bias in the decision-making processes of resea ...
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is offering a new programme to help institutional leaders address the reputational, funding and strategic challenges facing universities tod ...
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for 50 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellows (PFs) (two levels of experienced researchers) (25 positions available in Call 1) at CÚR ...
The Global University Network for innovation (GUNi) is launching a HE Leadership & Management Hub designed to become a permanent platform for reflection, dialogue and professional training among h ...
The European University Association (EUA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Space for Higher Education (ENLACES) have published a joint statement ahead of a summit between the two regions’ leader ...
The RM ROADMAP project (Creating Framework Conditions for Research Management to Strengthen the European Research Area) will create a roadmap for the future of research management (RM) in Europe and a ...
For European public research and innovation actors, scholarly knowledge is a public good. Publicly funded research and its results should be immediately and openly available to all without barriers su ...
The European University Association, alongside several fellow associations that represent universities and university libraries, has called for the EU’s co-legislators to ensure that the proposed Da ...
On 16 March, the first meeting of the newly recomposed European University Association Expert Group on Open Science (EGOS) took place in Brussels. ...
Ghent University extends a call to researchers interested in pursuing a Marie Skłodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship, with a submission deadline of 14 September 2023. ...
The DIAMAS (Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication) project has recently launched a survey on Diamond Open Access and the institutional publishing la ...
EUA member Universidade Católica Portuguesa at Porto will host the International Conference “University as an epicentre for social responsibility: commitment to people and the planet”, on 19-21 J ...
SEFI - the European Society for Engineering Education is extending an invitation to the 2023 European Convention for Engineering Deans. The convention will focus on leadership in higher engineering ed ...
The call for submissions is now open for the 51st SEFI Annual Conference, entitled "Engineering Education for Sustainability: Reflecting on the role of engineering education for a sustainable world". ...
The call for proposals is now open for OS FAIR 2023 - the flagship initiative of OpenAIRE – which will take place on 25-27 September in Madrid, Spain. ...
The Georgian National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) is expanding its pool of experts/reviewers for the upcoming cluster accreditation in 2023. ...
The International Association of Universities (IAU) has officially launched the 6th iteration of the Global Survey on Internationalization: The Future of Internationalization of Higher Education. ...
The FAIR-IMPACT project recently launched an open call for EOSC FAIR Champions, aiming to select 12 experts to act as ambassadors for FAIR research data, engage their communities and advocate for the ...
Within its efforts to facilitate the uptake and implementation of Open Science, OpenAIRE recently compiled its services for Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) into one package and developed 6 pr ...
EUA member Coventry University and the European Business & Innovation Network (EBN) are partnering up on a webinar series dedicated to the transformative power of innovation through Simulation, Im ...
After two consecutive years of virtual “What’s new in Brussels?” seminars, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) is holding the event in Brussels on 2-3 February. EUA Deputy Director of Gov ...
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is organising a virtual launch event on Tuesday 31 January 2023 at 14.00 – 15.30 CET to present the third survey on Higher Education and Research ...
On 21-22 November, members of the European University Association’s Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science (EGOS) met in Braga, Portugal, and online for the final meeting of the group in its curre ...
The European scholarly communication landscape has reached a tipping point in the last decade and is now in rapid transition towards the full-scale adoption of Open Access (OA) as a default practice f ...
EUA and other associations representing European universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries, and repositories in Europe have released a joint s ...
EUA has signed up to the “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access” which aims to promote a sustainable, community-driven Diamond Open Access (OA) scholarly communication ecosystem. Published on 2 Marc ...
EUA held an official pre-event to the European Union-African Union Summit to explore the role of regional and interregional approaches for improving higher education systems on 10 February in collabor ...
On 13 January 2022, the European Commission published a Proposal for a Council recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability. EUA welcomes the initiative as it acknowledges the crucial c ...
EUA welcomes the approval of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and recognises its importance in providing a shared set of standards and actions for the further implementation of Open Science p ...
The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022 will take place in Leiden (The Netherlands), between 13-16 of July. ...
EUA joined CESAER and Science Europe to call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes. In a joint statement published on 25 May, the th ...
The TPG-LRC project, aimed at promoting the implementation of procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, has published a guide for higher education institutions. TPG-LRC stands for ...
Open science requires a sustainable, trustworthy and comprehensive network of repositories that can support researchers around the world in managing, sharing and preserving their data. Strengthening a ...
Ghent University’s Research Department organises a MSCA Master Class for incoming postdocs on 20 – 21 May 2021. Applications are open until 19 April. ...
Sustainable learning and teaching was at the centre of the 2020 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups, which have wrapped up their cycle of work. ...
EUA joins the global coalition of organisations that endorses the concerns raised by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) about the report “Data Repository Selection: Criteria that M ...
EUA member in Ukraine Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, together with the NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks”, organise the 1st Virtual International Conference on Sustain ...
The FAIRsFAIR project - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe – has prepared a series of recommendations for policy enhancement to support the realisation of a FAIR ecosystem and invite policy mak ...
The School of Human Rights in Turkey, an EU-funded project that started during the state of emergency in Turkey, organises the International Online Conference of Academic Freedom as a Human Right on 1 ...
EUA partner Scholars at Risk (SAR) organises “Free to Think 2020: Responding to Attacks on Higher Education” on 19 – 20 November 2020. ...
Coventry University’s Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment (GLEA) organises the online conference “Reconstructing education through a global lens” on 2 – 6 November 2020. ...
The nominations for the 2020 edition of the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of Information and Communication Technologies in education are open until 18 December 2020 (midnight, ...
EUA has joined the UNESCO Global Open Science Partnership. The purpose of this partnership is to work towards a global consensus on the transition to Open Science and the adoption of a UNESCO Recommen ...
Doctoral candidates from EUA members are invited to contribute to one of the 17 volumes of the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the largest editorial project on matters related to ...
The EUA Council adopted a statement on 26 October 2018 expressing its concern about the lack of transparency and competition in the scholarly publishing business sector in Europe. The statement, addre ...
Results of the EU-CELAC Academic and Knowledge Summit. ...
Capacity building for higher education institutions Attention to learning and teaching (L&T) has increased in recent years, both at European higher education institutions (HEIs) and in European p ...
During October, the DIAMAS project has been collecting feedback from stakeholders on a set of actionable recommendations for Diamond OA for institutional leaders, funders, sponsors and donor ...
1 October 2024, 11.00 – 12.00 CEST Following the publication of EUA’s ‘Trends 2024’ report, the authors will present the main findings and share their analysis of current developments in the ...
Overall, Open Access is advancing well, but too often, institutional open access policies focus on journal publications, leaving out long-form publications, which are central in certain disciplines. ...
How can universities help their researchers to retain their intellectual property rights and share their work in open access? This upcoming webinar will focus on institutional approaches towards right ...
Online courses in Open Science are ready and available for free and anytime, many upon the initiative of doctoral candidates who are engaged in advocacy and dissemination events. As Roberta Moscon fro ...
The South African government has expressed its ambition to substantially increase the number of doctoral graduates by 2030. Graduates will be prepared for a world that is more connected in both cultur ...
The EUA-CDE Annual Meeting in 2018 included perspectives from outside Europe. Speakers from Asia, Africa and North America presented our European community with the global dimension of doctoral educat ...
For Aline Miller and Luke Georghiou, it is important to train innovators within universities to bridge the gap between research and societal impact. Here, they highlight how University of Manchester i ...
Decades after a key convention on academic recognition was adopted, assessing the knowledge, skills and competences of refugees is still a challenge. Helene Peterbauer looks for answers in the histori ...
For Karl Tombre, universities need broad innovation strategies to tackle the immense challenges of this century, but this means looking beyond the technology transfer office and moving past outdated c ...
Belarussian students face significant new barriers to studying abroad due to a recent government decree. Iris Kimizoglu, President of the European Students’ Union, calls on higher education leaders ...
Helene Peterbauer outlines what the entry into force of a treaty on automatic recognition between Benelux and Baltic countries means for universities both within and outside these regions, and asks wh ...
EU lawmakers need to take universities into account when drawing up new laws. This will stem the growing compliance burden, make for better regulation - and result in more efficient policy making, arg ...
Reacting to EUA’s Research and Innovation Agenda 2027, Sebastian Wörwag describes how universities are the engines that will transform our societies through transnational and transdisciplinary exch ...
To achieve lasting impact and shape the future in a positive direction, foresight must go hand-in-hand with strategic decision-making. In Research Europe, EUA’s Policy Coordination and Foresight tea ...
For James Livesey, the current moment in history demands original and profound institutional innovation on the part of universities. In this article, he outlines how EUA’s Research and Innovation Ag ...
How can we foster the capacity of university leaders to effectively steer change and address new transformational priorities? Josep M. Garrell and Thomas Estermann reflect on the results of the NEWLEA ...
For Science|Business, EUA’s Thomas Jørgensen examines the European Economic Security Strategy. He argues that making this strategy work for higher education and research depends on the granularity ...
Societal innovation processes require universities to act as agents of change, but is this easily reconciled with the intellectual and ethical challenges of truth-seeking? Stefan Herzig explains the p ...
EUA’s newly published Innovation Agenda will help to mobilise and boost the university sector’s innovation capacity for greater strategic engagement to tackle societal challenges, writes Sergiu-Ma ...
If we want universities to make a leap in transnational cooperation, policymakers must take their own leap in implementing reforms that work towards creating the necessary framework conditions. In Res ...
EUA’s Clare Phelan and Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik take a closer look at the results of the third Erasmus+ call for European Universities and explain the importance of balance between the expansion and c ...
The culture of interdisciplinarity and co-creation is one of the strongest assets of research and innovation in the quest for sustainability. As honest brokers and exponents of this approach, universi ...
Universities must rethink the way they address digital transformation. Strategic planning must evolve to take advantage of opportunities in the digital world and organisations must learn to use data m ...
Plan can boost international collaboration, provided member states engage, say Thomas Jørgensen and Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik.On 18 January, the European Commission launched a new policy strategy f ...
Global challenges call for “universities without walls”. Drawing from his experience in the Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE) teams, Chafic Mokbel discusses the future of the sector from a Leb ...
As geopolitical tensions grow, the work of universities comes under pressure. This piece looks at academic cooperation in a new world and what policy makers and university leaders can do to respond. I ...
EUA recently conducted an internal study mapping the impact of its learning and teaching activities. This article offers insights into the findings and how they might be useful to institutional, natio ...
All universities need more autonomy to be innovative, not only those engaged in the European Universities Initiative. EUA expert Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik writes that limiting flexible collaboration opti ...
On the occasion of EUA’s 20th anniversary, Cardiff University President and Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan analyses the role of the Association in a changing world. The piece highlights that while so ...
As we look forward towards a future of “Universities without walls”, this article by EUA President Michael Murphy points out that universities need better and coordinated communication of their wo ...
EU policy makers often fail to consider the specific nature of higher education, research and innovation in legislation aimed to shape Europe’s digital transformation. EUA expert Bregt Saenen explai ...
The European Commission’s global approach to research and innovation is an ambitious vision for the whole global knowledge system. However, as this University World News article highlights, universi ...
The European Commission aims at developing a “European strategy for universities” to strengthen synergies between teaching, research, innovation and service to society by better linking related Eu ...
The new ERA will need to bring all sides to the table so that we can shape the future of Europe’s R&I sector together, writes the European University Association’s Stephane Berghmans. ...
Europe’s universities are upping their game for the new decade, to meet the challenges of our digital and green transitions, writes Amanda Crowfoot.As the pandemic has shown, research and innovation ...
We enter into a New Year, a world more enriched and more impoverished than just 12 months ago. We have endured great loss of life, a heavy burden of illness and deep economic shock. Yet, lessons from ...
Creating European research and education areas requires a transparent and inclusive dialogue, says EUA senior policy coordinator Thomas Jørgensen.The European Commission’s release of communications ...
The Covid-19 crisis led to major push towards Open Access, which is now well on its way to becoming a global reality. EUA Board member Patrick Lévy looks at this key moment in the movement’s histor ...
During the Covid-19 crisis, universities innovated greatly in various fields to bring solutions to complex and unprecedented challenges. This article by Annick Castiaux analyses an innovation project ...
The idea of a European degree is fascinating and attractive, but it also raises many conceptual and practical questions. What does a European degree mean? How would it differ from the current degrees ...
During the Covid-19 crisis, enhanced breakthrough innovation from basic research made it easier for Norway to cope with and recover from the most challenging phase of the pandemic. Toril Nagelhus Hern ...
Refugees bring with them skills, qualifications and experience – including in the medical field. This has been frequently stated but requires proactive acknowledgement and enhanced integration measu ...
Europe must connect its ambition of being a digital leader with initiatives already happening at its universities, says EUA Secretary General Amanda Crowfoot in an editorial in The Parliament Magazine ...
The Swedish Bibsam Consortium is taking a leading role in the transition to Open Access and aims to switch from “read-and-publish” agreements to “pure publish” deals after 2024. This next gene ...
While Europe discusses its data strategy, the digital transformation must be on the radar of universities. Digital skills, the infrastructure and support for “FAIR” research data management, and t ...
Open Access publishing needs new business models for universities and disciplines that want to support Open Access but are short on resources. Martin Paul Eve explains how the Open Library of Humaniti ...
Scholarly publishing is at a crossroads between commercial vendors and community-driven services. Eloy Rodrigues from the University of Minho makes the case that more research-centric, dissemination-o ...
Brexit is a sad moment, as is always the case whenever a member of a community leaves. But for European universities, it may be felt as a particular blow. Amanda Crowfoot, EUA Secretary General, talks ...
Europe’s universities are transnational in outlook, international in their collaborative endeavours and work across borders. However, maintaining our strong universities requires ambitious investmen ...
Despite Brexit, British higher education institutions must remain in the European family of universities well beyond the transition period. This has been the university sector’s stance since the ref ...
The European Universities Initiative is a great opportunity to deepen collaboration and revive the debate about necessary system level reforms. However, it is important to be aware of the risks. EUA ...
The new European Commission must make research, education and innovation a priority as it sets out the roadmap for the next five years. In Science Business, EUA President Michael Murphy presents a sim ...
Access to education holds great potential for refugees, especially women. Dr Sezer Ş. Komsuoğlu of the Turkish Council of Higher Education discusses what her country is doing to support Syrian women ...
With a disorderly Brexit now a real and fast-approaching threat, detailed technical guidance from the European Commission is crucial for those participating with UK partners in EU programmes like Eras ...
As the world grapples with the future of the United Nations migration pact, Europe’s higher education community is busy examining the ins and outs of a related challenge: How do we promote widesprea ...
The continuous development of teaching competences needs commitment at all levels. It is a systematic process that requires a framework for teaching performance, a professionalisation body, preferably ...
The European Commission’s proposal for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe) shares broad similarities with Horizon 2020, but there are some significant differenc ...
The proposal for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, also known as Horizon Europe, has been published by the European Commission. Universities and research centres across Europe ...
As the Rector of the University of Groningen, and an economist, I am often asked why universities receive so much public funding for academic research. What is the use for society? A simple first resp ...
It is at the apex of higher education, research and innovation, but issues around integrity and employability must be addressed for doctoral education to continue to thrive, says Luke Georghiou. Ambi ...
Research and education should be among the easier elements of the Brexit negotiations, argue Paul Boyle and Rolf TarrachCountries from outside the EU can participate in EU programmes and both sides ha ...
As Europe decides how to best invest in the future of research and innovation, it is clear that Horizon 2020’s successor will need more funding. It is also quite certain that its design must be more ...
With the headline terms of the future UK-EU relationship to be agreed by October 2018, it is vitally important that future research and education co-operation is prioritised in the final agreement ( ...
Since the beginning of time scientific research has been based on exchanges between peers: personal letters, books, articles in specialised journals. But the last 70 years have seen a burst in this se ...
With nearly 40 per cent of Europeans aged 30-34 now holding tertiary qualifications, universities have their work cut out delivering good learner-paced education to increasingly large and diverse popu ...
EUA President Rolf Tarrach outlines what the future of Europe could look like from the Universities perspective.Europe’s universities want to do much more together. This is the essence of a discussi ...
The European Commission’s Erasmus+ mid-term review must consider how to harness the potential of the scheme in addressing Europe’s shifting realities. Providing grants to refugee students and acad ...
EUA is currently piloting a Leadership Development Programme for senior leaders in European higher education institutions. ...
The AR25 project aims to support the implementation of the Council (of the European Union) Recommendation on promoting automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and learning periods abroad and ac ...
The Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) is a platform for dialogue, cooperation and joint action. Established in 2021, it brings together leaders of university associations representing major ...
The main objective of the project Bologna Hub Peer Support II (2022-2024) is to continue to foster the implementation of the Bologna key commitments and the application of the Bologna tools at higher ...
To address the challenges that the transition of institutional publishing activities towards full Open Access (OA) and Open Science (OS) still faces, DIAMAS will deliver an aligned, high-quality, and ...
Building on the work of the first round of the project Bologna With Stakeholders' Eyes for a Stronger Future of the Bologna Process (BWSE FORward), the follow-up project BWSE FOR2030 aims to continue ...
The TPG-LRC CoRE project has the objective of supporting the implementation of the Bologna Process, focusing on key commitment 2 on national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recogn ...
The STAND project aims to improve the processes and mechanisms of university autonomy by increasing the management capacities, accountability and transparency of universities in the Western Balkans in ...
The I-AR project aims to implement fair automatic recognition by offering guidance in policy development on a European and national level. Furthermore, through capacity building, higher education inst ...
The “Spotlight on recognition” project aimed to support staff at higher education institutions who are responsible for recognition processes and decisions by enhancing their capacities in terms of ...
EUA has developed its vision for Europe’s universities in 2030. After intensive consultations with more than 100 experts and visionaries from the EUA membership and a wide range of external partners ...
EUA and a coalition of 25 organisations representing national rectors' conferences, national negotiating consortia and libraries supported a study investigating the implications of so-called “Read & ...
Making data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable – is becoming more and more the standard expectation for European research projects. ...
The TRUNAK project seeks to enhance university autonomy in Kazakhstan. It seeks to develop both the management and governance of Kazakh universities, as well as the capacities of national authorities ...
“Yebo! Development of the Internationalization of PhD Studies in South-Africa” (2017-20) is an Erasmus+ funded project focused on further developing the internationalisation of doctoral education ...
The MIMIR project was part of a cooperation process between Arab and European universities aimed at developing a strategic Euro-Mediterranean partnership and turning the Mediterranean region into a co ...
An inventory of higher education supporting refugees. ...
The University of Barcelona (Coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA) comprise the consortium ‘SPHERE’ (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts), an initiative ...
The UNI-SET (UNIversities in the SET-Plan) project aims to mobilise European universities to contribute to the ambitious European energy goals spelled out in the European Strategic Energy Technol ...
A follow-up to a Europe-Latin American university leadership conference that EUA held in São Paulo in 2012, this project aimed at exploring strategies for better policy dialogue and cooperation betwe ...
The ATHENA project contributed to the development, reform and modernisation of higher education systems in the Eastern Neighbouring partner countries Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine. ...
The FRINDOC project was managed by a consortium of six partners, coordinated by EUA, and consisting of the University of Hong Kong, Stellenbosch University, Imperial College London, the University of ...
Europe’s universities are increasingly developing partnerships in their research and innovation missions, embracing the “Open Innovation model” of university-business collaboration and seeking t ...
The European Universities Initiative aims to strengthen strategic and in-depth transnational collaboration through the development of alliances involving universities from several European countries. ...
There is increasing momentum to address academic careers and assessment, both in the academic sector and among policy makers. ...
Leading a university has never been more demanding. University leaders must juggle multiple roles, balancing the needs and expectations of a diverse array of stakeholders. They are accountable for a w ...
The European Research Area (ERA) reflects the European Commission and EU member states’ ambition to create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU. It was f ...
The free movement of people to study within Europe is a founding principle and long-term objective of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Well-functioning, fair and transparent recognition of f ...
The regulatory, financial and societal environments in which universities operate are changing at an increasingly fast pace. EUA is dedicated to supporting universities in their efforts to make succes ...
In parallel to well-established European collaboration in higher education within the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area, the European Union is working towards creating a Euro ...
To shape the future that universities want, we must proactively engage with possible futures. The world is changing rapidly. And with it, universities and their contexts are changing. Among the major ...
Universities provide a forum for dialogue, knowledge and innovation exchange and cooperation across cultures and political divides. This is a key condition for an effective and collective response to ...
Innovation is a key strategic priority for universities. It draws on their research and education missions as well as their role as an honest broker at the nexus of different sectors and communities. ...
Open Science is a shared responsibility, and a successful transition will require a concerted effort from key stakeholders. EUA takes a comprehensive view of the transition to Open Science and works t ...
Universities must drive developments in learning and teaching. This requires close collaboration with all major stakeholder groups, including national and European policy makers. In recent decades, n ...
As one of Europe’s most successful initiatives, Erasmus+ is of high importance for the European higher education community. It enables higher education institutional cooperation and provides opportu ...
The higher education sector is well placed to address the environmental challenges facing the planet, to support the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the green transition as wel ...
The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental higher education reform process launched in 1999 that includes 48 European countries and a number of European organisations, including EUA. It is dedicated ...