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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation opened the applications period for the 10th call of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative.
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative allows researchers who are no longer able to work in their own countries because they are threatened or persecuted to continue their work at German universities and research institutions. The deadline for applications is 10 September 2021.
Scholars must be nominated by institutions and cannot apply directly. Successful institutions will receive funds to grant the nominated scholar research stays by way of a research fellowship or employment contracts of up to 24 months.
They will also receive a lump sum intended for measures to support Philipp Schwartz fellows in integrating and in re-starting their careers. An extension of up to 12 months can be granted in the framework of a co-financing model.
Interoperability, if effectively implemented across European higher education, can deepen inter-institutional cooperation and transform traditional learning pathways. ...
For the European higher education sector, the past five years have seen many changes and transformations, some gradual, others more drastic and disruptive. ...
Why is the European Union important for universities, and what does the European Parliament do? ...
Transnational joint education provision — education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries — has emerged as a desired experience for many students, a ke ...
European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths. ...
University R&I, and its synergies with education and service to society, is the premier gateway to the knowledge and skills needed for scientific progress and sustainable societal development. ...
The Erasmus+ programme is of key importance to the higher education sector, but despite its success, it requires further enhancement. ...
The European University Association (EUA) presents a set of recommendations on sustaining Ukrainian universities and enabling them to continue their research and teaching activities. ...
The Scorecard 2023 provides a full comparative analysis of the state of play of university autonomy in 35 higher education systems in Europe. ...
As the European Universities Initiative moves into a new phase, EUA has taken stock of its impact thus far, notably in how it may further policy reforms that benefit transnational university cooperati ...
Today, more than ever before, universities are expected to fulfil multiple and increasingly challenging roles. Invariably, university leaders are walking a tightrope, caught between long-term strategy ...
As the war in Ukraine continues, the results of this survey of EUA’s collective members provides an overview of various national level approaches to support Ukrainian students and academics, as well ...
Amid renewed political interest in transnational university collaboration, notably joint educational provision, the European Commission has indicated that it will test possible criteria for a European ...
Scholars in many parts of the world are experiencing threats to their careers, liberty, and even their lives. Many of these at-risk researchers have to leave their countries in order to find refuge, s ...
The inclusion and integration of migrants is an important social and economic investment, and education and training can play a key role in it. Since 2015, higher education institutions have welcomed ...
This publication focuses on geopolitical changes, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, as well as the course of democracy, and how they may impact Europe’s universities. It outlines possible ...
Higher education institutions are key actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable societies, as well as in reaching the objectives of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and the E ...
This EUA policy input aims to inform the upcoming European Commission Communication on a global approach to research, education, innovation and youth. Expected in April, the Communication is intended ...
Tento kľúčový dokument je výsledkom rozsiahlych konzultácií a rokovaní s členmi a partnermi EUA počas šesťmesačného obdobia v roku 2020. Presadzuje víziu odolných a efektívnych univer ...
The 2020 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Approaches in learning and teaching to promoting equity and inclusion” explored how universities can best support inclusion and equity ...
This seminal document is the result of extensive consultations and deliberations with EUA members and partners over a six-month period in 2020. It sets out a vision of resilient and effective universi ...
The process to renew the European Research Area (ERA) is gathering pace and is set to continue in the coming weeks, months and years. Building on previous policy positions, this policy input further e ...
Granting refuge and academic freedom to scholars and students, who had to flee persecution and wars in their home countries and regions, is an eminent function of universities. Over the past decades, ...
EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, during the European Research and Innovation Days in September 2020, stated that excellence and inclusiveness are two sides of the same coin in the new European Research ...
EUA Strategic Plan The need for strong universities has never been greater in addressing societal challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, resource scarcity, ageing populations, migration a ...
The EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Internationalisation in learning and teaching” considers strategic and comprehensive internationalisation as a fit-for-purpose and timely me ...
Inclusiveness has become a strategic question for a number of higher education institutions across Europe, impacting learning and teaching, research and institutional cultures. Many have taken action ...
The comparative, cross-country study reviews the links between integration and higher education policies. It documents the conditions and circumstances for access, retention and completion of higher e ...
EUA, All European Academies (ALLEA) and Science Europe have issued a joint statement on the urgent need to back commitments to academic freedom and university autonomy with solid actions. ...
Universities across Europe are calling for a more student-centred, inclusive university environment bringing together all actors of the university community, while also implementing measures to achiev ...
EUA and Universities UK have published a common document in order to assist universities prepare for a no-deal Brexit. ...
On 30 May the European Commission released its proposal for the 2021-2027 Erasmus programme. The European University Association (EUA) welcomes the draft as a solid basis for discussion on t ...
On 22 May, the European Commission launched the second part of its ambitious education package for the creation of a “European Education Area” by 2025. EUA is pleased with the “strong conse ...
The present edited volume is a contribution to a European exchange on the role of higher education in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and the responses of universities to related i ...
As Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK are moving into the second phase, EUA calls for a comprehensive view on academic cooperation and urges the EU institutions to include this in ...
The UK plays an important role in European research and European and global student mobility. In view of Brexit, the European University Association has underlined the importance of kee ...
Ahead of the mid-term review of the Erasmus+ Programme, EUA conducted a consultation of its membership. The survey was open for responses from January to March 2016. In total, 218 higher e ...
EUA expresses solidarity with universities and scholars where academic freedom is under pressure, especially in Turkey where there are reports of retaliation against academics who have expressed their ...
At its Council meeting on 23 October 2015 the European University Association (EUA) called on policy makers at both EU and Member State level and higher education institutions in Europe to enable refu ...
Europe needs talented students and researchers in order to achieve its goals for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. For this reason, the European University Association (EUA) welcomes the initia ...
The European University Association takes a keen interest in the European Neighbourhood Policy. EUA cooperates with higher education institutions and organisations in the eastern and southern neighbou ...
The Association of African Universities (AAU), representing over 200 university members throughout Africa, and the European University Association (EUA), representing over 800 universities and univers ...
The Glasgow Convention provided the opportunity for over 600 EUA members and partners from over 40 countries to come together and take stock of progress made so far in developing the European Higher E ...
The Turin conference, co-organised with the Association of Commonwealth Universities and co-hosted with the University of Turin on the occasion of its 600th anniversary, was the second in a series of ...
The 2022 EUA Annual Conference took place on 28-29 April in Budapest, Hungary. The conference provided a platform to discuss which values shape the missions and strategic objectives of Europe’s univ ...
As the European Union prepares for the next five years, it is essential that Europe’s universities play an active role in shaping the policy agenda for the new mandate. ...
On 28 June the European Commission published the results of the 2024 Erasmus+ call for the European Universities Initiative. ...
Members of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) have released a joint statement on the topic of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education ...
The European University Association (EUA) and swissuniversities welcome the Swiss Federal Council and the European Commission’s respective adoption of final mandates for negotiations between Switzer ...
On 27 March, the European Commission published a new higher education package, including proposals for Council Recommendations on a European recognition and quality assurance (QA) system and attractiv ...
Ukrainian higher education institutions and their communities continue to be profoundly affected by the ongoing hostilities marked, on 24 February 2024, by the two-year anniversary of the Russian Fede ...
The European University Association and Civil Society Europe, a network of EU-level stakeholder organisations, have today published a joint letter addressing worrying and potentially counterproductive ...
With a briefing published in December 2023, the Inspireurope+ project consortium recommends the establishment of national fellowship schemes across Europe and beyond to support researchers at risk. EU ...
The European elections will take place this year between 6 and 9 of June. On this occasion, the Youth Outreach Unit of the European Parliament is reaching out to European universities hoping that they ...
The Media & Learning Association’s 10th annual conference is back in Leuven, Belgium on 20-21 June 2023. ...
The Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) of the European Commission is currently conducting a consultation on the feasibility of developing a European framework for att ...
The “Open Science – From Policy to Practice” conference will take place in Stockholm on 16-17 May and will highlight different perspectives of shaping, implementing and embedding Open Science. ...
The European University Association has urged the European Commission to be mindful of not letting the notion of protection stand in the way of dialogue between a multitude of actors, both within Euro ...
The first female Presidents from six Irish Universities will gather together in conversation to celebrate International Women's Day 2023. ...
In accordance with a December 2022 Council of the European Union decision to protect “the Union budget against breaches of the principles of the rule of law in Hungary”, the European Commission ha ...
EUA members Coventry University and Aarhus University, and the Council of Europe are launching a fully funded cotutelle doctoral research programme focusing on the role of universities in creating a d ...
The European University Association (EUA) has joined the “Improving Research Ethics Expertise and Competencies to Ensure Reliability and Trust in Science” (iRECS) project. ...
For over two years, Patrick Zaki, a student at the University of Bologna and human rights defender, has been detained and awaiting trial for publishing an article that refers to discrimination against ...
Last week, the EUA Council for Doctoral Education has released a new publication entitled “Building the Foundations of Research - a Vision for the Future of Doctoral Education in Europe” that iden ...
The EuroScience Open Forum 2022 (ESOF2022) will take place from 13 to 16 July 2022 in Leiden, the Netherlands. Several EUA colleagues will organise and contribute to various sessions during the confer ...
International Women’s Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the gender disparities in university leadership. This article, presenting the latest data and trends in female leadership in EUA membe ...
On 18 January 2022, the European Commission launched a new higher education package, including a European Strategy for Universities and a Commission proposal for a Council recommendation on transnatio ...
The current standstill in the association of Switzerland to the Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ programmes is disadvantageous for both Switzerland and the European Union in terms of lost opportunities. ...
EUA along with more than 50 higher education networks, associations and organisations has joined Scholars At Risk to urge European governments and EU institutions to take immediate action to secure th ...
The secretariat of the Education Department of the Council of Europe launched a call for applications for the Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity. The deadline for applications is ...
The Norwegian section of Scholars at Risk organises the event “Ten Years of Protecting Academic Freedom - What will the Future Bring?” to celebrate their 10th anniversary. The event will take plac ...
The European University Association (EUA), the European Students’ Union (ESU) and Scholars at Risk (SAR) join together to condemn the criminalisation of students and academics in Belarus. They call ...
Scholars at Risk – Ireland and ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, organise the online conference “Academic freedom and intellectual dissent” on 8 June, from ...
The Magna Charta Observatory (MCO) will celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum on 16 and 17 June, and will launch the new Magna Charta, the MCU2020, which makes the charter m ...
The Education Department of the Council of Europe launched the application period for Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity during Covid-19, open until 20 August. ...
EUROSTUDENT organises the EUROSTUDENT VII final conference online on 18 and 19 May 2021. Registrations are now open and free of charge. ...
Magna Charta Observatory and the Global Student Forum organise the free webinar “Involving students effectively – what happens and how it improves universities: international perspectives” on 19 ...
Ghent University’s Research Department organises a MSCA Master Class for incoming postdocs on 20 – 21 May 2021. Applications are open until 19 April. ...
Sustainable learning and teaching was at the centre of the 2020 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups, which have wrapped up their cycle of work. ...
The European University Alliance E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) celebrates its official Online Opening Conference “ ...
International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, is an opportunity that EUA has been seizing every year to further raise awareness on gender disparities in universities. In 2021, again, the Associa ...
On 14 February, Frédérique Vidal, French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, announced plans to order the French research agency (CNRS) to conduct an enquiry into French universi ...
In Turkey, the practice of appointments of university rectors by the President of the Republic is generating a new wave of criticism. The recent nomination of a new rector at Bogaziçi University in I ...
The European University Alliance E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) calls for scientific contributions, relevant concepts ...
The School of Human Rights in Turkey, an EU-funded project that started during the state of emergency in Turkey, organises the International Online Conference of Academic Freedom as a Human Right on 1 ...
The Institute for the Development of Education (Croatia), together with 22 partners/associate partners from six EU Member States including EUA, launched the Erasmus+ project SHEFCE – Steering Higher ...
EUA partner Scholars at Risk (SAR) organises “Free to Think 2020: Responding to Attacks on Higher Education” on 19 – 20 November 2020. ...
Coventry University’s Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment (GLEA) organises the online conference “Reconstructing education through a global lens” on 2 – 6 November 2020. ...
EUA member in Ukraine Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, together with the NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks”, organise the 1st virtual international conference on sustainable ...
The nominations for the 2020 edition of the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of Information and Communication Technologies in education are open until 18 December 2020 (midnight, ...
EUA is embarking on an initiative to develop a vision for Europe’s universities in 2030. This vision by the sector for the sector will serve as inspiration for EUA members, as well as for policy mak ...
The sixth edition of the International Turkic World Tourism Symposium will take place on 9-11 April 2020 in Denizli, Turkey. Organisers invite interested participants to send their abstract congress p ...
The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) organises the final dissemination seminar of the Erasmus+ Refugees and Recognition – Toolkit 2 (REACT) project on 17 January 2020 in B ...
The Lifelong Learning Platform is organising the 9th edition of the LLLWeek on 2-6 December in Brussels. ...
The Erasmus+ Refugee Education Initiatives (REIs) consortium has launched a call for papers for a workshop on “Exploring European Experiences in Providing Higher Education for Refugees and Asylum Se ...
The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) organises a webinar on 19 November from 12:00 to 14:00 to present the results of the testing performed at higher education institutions ...
The Center for Applied European Studies (CAES) invites interested participants to attend the symposium “Racism and Antisemitism – commonplace in Europe?” on 22 November at Frankfurt University o ...
Following the recent news of further infringements on university autonomy and academic freedom reflected in two decrees (675 and 676) published in the Turkish Official Journal on 29 October 2016, the ...
Online courses in Open Science are ready and available for free and anytime, many upon the initiative of doctoral candidates who are engaged in advocacy and dissemination events. As Roberta Moscon fro ...
20 January 2016 The European University Association (EUA) would like to express its concern for the academics in Turkey being investigated for expressing their views, under the petition “We Will no ...
1 October 2024, 11.00 – 12.00 CEST Following the publication of EUA’s ‘Trends 2024’ report, the authors will present the main findings and share their analysis of current developments in the ...
What would it actually mean if ‘Brussels’ had more of a say on education policy? EUA’s Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik weighs in on the resurging debate on whether the EU has the power it needs to foster ...
What makes a university a champion of gender equality? Gemma Irvine outlines how Maynooth University has become a leader in advancing equality, celebrating diversity, and promoting inclusion. ...
Having studied assessment practices in 5 European funding agencies, the GRANteD project research team concludes that formal policies are important to foster inclusiveness, but several limitations must ...
For Oksana Seumenicht, it is imperative that the focus of the international community’s support to Ukrainian higher education now shifts to long-term goals. New academic links to Ukraine, forged by ...
Reacting to EUA’s Research and Innovation Agenda 2027, Sebastian Wörwag describes how universities are the engines that will transform our societies through transnational and transdisciplinary exch ...
Three MSCA4Ukraine fellows recently shared their first experiences of the scheme. For EUA’s Michael Gaebel, their testimonies underline the scheme’s added value, which will hopefully soon be exten ...
The UK will join the EU’s Horizon Europe programme in January 2024. Rebuilding collaboration, regulatory divergence and sensitive technologies are the next challenges, EUA’s Thomas Jørgensen writ ...
How can universities adopt more flexible and adaptive approaches to strategy development? Gert-Jan Scheurwater reports on TU Delft’s progress in introducing foresight as a tool to tackle this challe ...
Suhailah Akbari argues that international academic institutions must take proactive action in the face of an unprecedented crackdown on women and girls’ access to education in Afghanistan. In this p ...
Open Science and gender equality are two movements with much in common, so why is a feminist perspective on Open Science yet to emerge? Pastora Martínez Samper tackles the question. "Feminism is the ...
Ahead of International Women’s Day, Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela reflects on progress towards achieving gender equality in academia, yet unsolved issues such as the consequences of de-masculinising (ce ...
For Research Europe, EUA’s Vinciane Gaillard and Stephane Berghmans weigh in on recent efforts to rebalance research assessment and look at how it could bring about a much-needed transformation of p ...
Can, and should, quality assurance play a greater role in ensuring that common academic values are respected? EUA’s Maria Kelo examines recent debates on the scope of QA in higher education. Qualit ...
Martin Prchal expands the debate on teaching and learning to how institutions should see themselves as learners in their continuous endeavours to improve the learning experience of their students. Her ...
If we want universities to make a leap in transnational cooperation, policymakers must take their own leap in implementing reforms that work towards creating the necessary framework conditions. In Res ...
The widespread embrace of “university values” is problematic and distracts from the central value of our profession: academic freedom. Building on his contribution to a debate at EUA’s 2022 Annu ...
The growing participation of women in higher education is not yet reflected in university leadership. Here, Kerstin Mey examines barriers to reaching a critical mass of female leaders in higher educat ...
The emotional health of students in Europe is receiving increased attention. Here, Valérie Van Hees and Ronny Bruffaerts reflect on the existing European landscape and introduce a new project to supp ...
The European University Association reflects on how the higher education sector has responded to the war in Ukraine and the attack on Europe’s fundamental values.Writing about universities and value ...
All universities need more autonomy to be innovative, not only those engaged in the European Universities Initiative. EUA expert Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik writes that limiting flexible collaboration opti ...
To increase student engagement and better prepare graduates for the realities of work, universities must re-think how they use and promote teamwork to reflect real-world value. Sondre Kvam, entreprene ...
On the occasion of EUA’s 20th anniversary, Cardiff University President and Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan analyses the role of the Association in a changing world. The piece highlights that while so ...
As we look forward towards a future of “Universities without walls”, this article by EUA President Michael Murphy points out that universities need better and coordinated communication of their wo ...
What will the future hold in terms of geopolitics, digitalisation and democracy? How will this affect universities? This University World News piece delves into different scenarios, offering a reflect ...
As learning pathways are increasingly international, the recognition of qualifications and credits obtained abroad is a key issue for countries and higher education institutions. Sebastian Bruque from ...
From EU funding programmes, to travel and data transfer, the pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place for universities post-Brexit. EUA’s Thomas Jorgensen provides an update on the situat ...
As universities strive to realise human potential, preserve the planet and promote health and prosperity, the new Magna Charta Universitatum offers a fresh opportunity to adhere to fundamental princip ...
A new EUA study reveals that higher education institutions in Europe are highly engaged in activities that address environmental challenges and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ...
Sustainability is an important issue for universities. At Trinity College Dublin, the current strategic plan articulates sustainability as a priority supported by two goals: alignment to the UN Sustai ...
The messages from science are clear: The coming decade will be crucial in combating the climate crisis. Clearly, universities have a key role to play in addressing the challenges. Göran Finnveden and ...
Higher education graduates are faced with an ever-growing expectation to be digitally apt and well versed in an international environment. As Aloys Krieg of RWTH Aachen University points out, these to ...
The preservation and development of culture is part of the mission of universities. This article, from the President of HRK, explores how this mission widens the knowledge triangle of education, resea ...
The Academic Freedom Index provides a robust assessment of academic freedom levels worldwide that can inform and guide advocacy and policy efforts. Co-developers Janika Spannagel and Ilyas Saliba from ...
On the occasion of EUA’s 20th anniversary, President Michael Murphy and long-time senior expert and Director Michael Gaebel look back at two decades of global university collaboration. Offering a br ...
Students from disadvantaged and marginalised backgrounds still struggle to participate in higher education. Covid-19 has made inclusion even more difficult. EUA expert Luisa Bunescu discusses three so ...
Europe’s universities are upping their game for the new decade, to meet the challenges of our digital and green transitions, writes Amanda Crowfoot.As the pandemic has shown, research and innovation ...
As the world faces complex challenges, universities are taking the time to reflect about the future strategically. How do we want Europe’s universities to look in ten years? What should be their rol ...
The Covid-19 pandemic presents new challenges for inclusive teaching. This article shares the experience of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy and discusses how to act towards inclusi ...
In this article, the EUA Secretary General contributes to UIIN’s newly released “The Future Universities Thoughtbook - Universities During Times of Crisis”. She analyses how universities have ri ...
The important upsurge in statements of support for academic freedom at the intergovernmental level in Europe points to the urgent need for meaningful implementation. Civil society and higher education ...
The radical digitalisation of higher education due to the Covid-19 crisis offers an opportunity to engage in deeper institutional change addressing the digital and green transitions. As Natalia Timus ...
Fair recognition in the European Higher Education Area can only be fully achieved if practices in higher education institutions are more systematically addressed. As Jenneke Lokhoff at Nuffic points o ...
As reflected by the European Green Deal, the environmental revolution is likely the main challenge of the 21st century. And it is a great opportunity for Europe to take the lead. But, according to Kar ...
Change is in the air. The Covid-19 crisis has turned our lives upside down, but well before this happened there was already a palpable feeling that today’s challenges are changing society in unpredi ...
Learning outcomes are increasingly used in qualifications frameworks and quality assurance processes. As such, they aim to secure and foster public trust among education providers. Yet, against the ba ...
Providing students with the skills for multidisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship supports social impact. The Tampere Universities community promotes this endeavour through multidisciplinary ...
The idea of a European degree is fascinating and attractive, but it also raises many conceptual and practical questions. What does a European degree mean? How would it differ from the current degrees ...
In recent years, a series of new international university rankings have come into the spotlight. Their focus differs from those of more established, comprehensive rankings in that they aim to highligh ...
In this in-depth analysis of the lessons presented by the Covid-19 crisis for universities, EUA President Michael Murphy delves into the question of what universities might do differently now to grow ...
The Bologna Follow-up Group has developed a new strategic document that defines ten principles and guidelines to strengthen the social dimension of higher education in Europe. Ninoslav Scukanec Schmid ...
Confinement due to the coronavirus is a great challenge for the international mobility of researchers and students, but international collaboration remains crucial for universities. EUA experts Thomas ...
The coronavirus pandemic demonstrates the renewed importance of universities’ civic engagement, whether it takes the form of a direct contribution to healthcare, research on the virus, or explaining ...
Refugees bring with them skills, qualifications and experience – including in the medical field. This has been frequently stated but requires proactive acknowledgement and enhanced integration measu ...
Diversity is, as much as excellence, the strength of our universities. Mathieu Schneider from the University of Strasbourg highlights the need for a new narrative, giving concrete examples of how to m ...
What would be the most effective way forward for universities to promote social dimension in their respective contexts? EUA expert Tia Loukkola discusses the role that quality assurance can play and i ...
Grants are important for researchers’ careers and only the best applicants receive them. So, what is the best and how are the best selected? As Helene Schiffbänker from Joanneum Research in Vienna ...
The Erasmus+ Programme prescribes affirmative action in favour of disadvantaged students. Unfortunately, it works much less effectively than the European Commission intends. Howard Davies discusses a ...
Brexit is a sad moment, as is always the case whenever a member of a community leaves. But for European universities, it may be felt as a particular blow. Amanda Crowfoot, EUA Secretary General, talks ...
Internationalisation of the learning experience within higher education is becoming progressively important with an increased emphasis on non-mobile domestic students. With increased attention to sust ...
Despite Brexit, British higher education institutions must remain in the European family of universities well beyond the transition period. This has been the university sector’s stance since the ref ...
A new year brings new opportunities to address global challenges. EUA President Michael Murphy addresses university leaders and the crucial role of higher education in discovering solutions to urgent ...
As societies transform, diversity is becoming a key concern for higher education institutions across Europe, impacting learning and teaching, research and institutional cultures. EUA’s Thomas E. Jø ...
The support for student engagement in volunteering, civic, cultural, associative and solidarity activities is becoming part of the institutional agenda at European higher education institutions. The E ...
The Global Convention on Recognition will provide a strong instrument for higher education institutions in dealing with the increasing global mobility of students. Allan Bruun Pedersen, Vice-President ...
University autonomy and academic freedom should be more than topics of proclamation and celebration. Sijbolt Noorda, President of the Magna Charta Observatory, discusses why they should be lived in th ...
Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, reflects on the future and why universities must protect their core values, while being open to re-evaluating all aspects of their work. Th ...
Universities are based on and guided by values. It is vital that each institution declares them as principles of good practice and puts in place strategies to embrace and practice them. Francesco Uber ...
How can universities use the renewed attention to values to their advantage? A key step is to move from a negative discussion to a positive one. EUA’s Monika Steinel tells us how.Institutional auton ...
To remain world leaders in research and innovation, Europe’s universities need more supportive policies and funding frameworks, write EUA President Rolf Tarrach and President-elect Michael Murphy fo ...
While more women are making their way to the highest levels of academic leadership in Europe, the numbers are still shaky and many obstacles remain in their way. Martine Rahier and Lidia Borrell Damia ...
Research and innovation benefit from diversity in all respects. As Lokesh Joshi of the National University of Ireland, Galway and Elmer Sterken of the University of Groningen discuss, it is key to unt ...
In 2019, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of EU activities to advance gender equality in research. Marcela Linkova from the Czech Centre for Gender and Science and Chair of ERAC Standing Workin ...
Access to education holds great potential for refugees, especially women. Dr Sezer Ş. Komsuoğlu of the Turkish Council of Higher Education discusses what her country is doing to support Syrian women ...
With a disorderly Brexit now a real and fast-approaching threat, detailed technical guidance from the European Commission is crucial for those participating with UK partners in EU programmes like Eras ...
As the world grapples with the future of the United Nations migration pact, Europe’s higher education community is busy examining the ins and outs of a related challenge: How do we promote widesprea ...
Academic freedom is the latest of the many victims on Hungary’s path towards an illiberal state, argues Lesley Wilson. This editorial was first published on The Parliament Magazine on 7 September 20 ...
The Hungarian government’s clampdown on gender studies and research into migration sets a dangerous precedent. This editorial was first published on The Guardian on 6 September 2018. Universities i ...
Research and education should be among the easier elements of the Brexit negotiations, argue Paul Boyle and Rolf TarrachCountries from outside the EU can participate in EU programmes and both sides ha ...
With the headline terms of the future UK-EU relationship to be agreed by October 2018, it is vitally important that future research and education co-operation is prioritised in the final agreement ( ...
The European Commission’s Erasmus+ mid-term review must consider how to harness the potential of the scheme in addressing Europe’s shifting realities. Providing grants to refugee students and acad ...
The Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) is a platform for dialogue, cooperation and joint action. Established in 2021, it brings together leaders of university associations representing major ...
The Inspireurope+ project works to coordinate and strengthen support in Europe for researchers at risk. It runs from September 2022 to August 2025, building on the work undertaken by the previous Insp ...
As part of the EU’s response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, MSCA4Ukraine provides support to displaced researchers from Ukraine. ...
InSPIREurope is a Europe-wide initiative to support researchers who are at risk due to discrimination, persecution, suffering or violence. Funded under the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Cu ...
The INVITED project aimed to support universities in developing and strategies towards equity, diversity and inclusion. ...
Throughout Europe, higher education institutions are supporting refugees, as showcased by EUA’s Refugees Welcome Map. Data collected in this inventory of initiatives has been the basis for inHERE: H ...
The University of Barcelona (Coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA) comprise the consortium ‘SPHERE’ (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts), an initiative ...
A follow-up to a Europe-Latin American university leadership conference that EUA held in São Paulo in 2012, this project aimed at exploring strategies for better policy dialogue and cooperation betwe ...
The European Universities Initiative aims to strengthen strategic and in-depth transnational collaboration through the development of alliances involving universities from several European countries. ...
Equity, diversity and inclusion and belonging (EDIB) are important priorities for universities and are also reflected in their broader contribution to society. At many institutions, EDIB has become f ...
Since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022, the European higher education and research community has consistently shown its solidarity and support to Ukrainian univers ...
In parallel to well-established European collaboration in higher education within the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area, the European Union is working towards creating a Euro ...
The missions and work of universities in Europe and elsewhere are underpinned by a number of fundamental values. EUA as an Association strongly believes in and works towards upholding these. The Asso ...
As one of Europe’s most successful initiatives, Erasmus+ is of high importance for the European higher education community. It enables higher education institutional cooperation and provides opportu ...
The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental higher education reform process launched in 1999 that includes 48 European countries and a number of European organisations, including EUA. It is dedicated ...