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At a time of continuing and globally driven change, and with the growing importance of the student voice in quality, the national level of decision-making is a crucial arena for building partnership in quality.

Drawing on experiences in Scotland, and on related literature and policy, this article highlights how sparqs (Scotland’s national agency for student engagement) supports and develops national spaces for staff-student partnership, with a particular focus on the arenas of policymaking, quality monitoring activity, and advancement of the professionalisation of student engagement. In exploring these three areas, the article shares various approaches and tools used to enable Scottish sector-level student engagement, and draws conclusions about the importance of such national spaces and the ways in which they can impact on learning, teaching and enhancement.

ISSN: 2593-9602

This paper was presented at the 2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum and reflects the views of the named authors only.

National student engagement: creating and developing spaces for partnership

Megan Brown, Simon Varwell

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