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EUA responded to the European Commission’s consultation on the Future of the EU programmes. The EU programmes have a European added value, which could be further enhanced, and which is critical both for individual institutional development, but also for the further realisation of the EHEA and the overall success of the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth objective at the heart of the EU2020 agenda for the future of the European Union.


Considering the importance of higher education and research in delivering these objectives, and the importance of higher education institutions in educating and training the ‘smart people’ needed to meet Europe’s objectives, EUA believes that higher education should be given a higher profile in the ‘framework agenda Education’ and in the next generation of programmes.

In order to ensure that European higher education can develop its full potential both within Europe and internationally, EUA recommends accommodating all programmes for higher education under one highly visible, clearly defined and well structured overall ‘umbrella’ comprising those parts of the lifelong learning programme that concern higher education, but also the present Erasmus Mundus programme and the various relevant initiatives and instruments at regional and bilateral level with industrialised and developing countries.

EUA Response to the public consultation on the future EU programmes for European and international mobility and cooperation


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