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The European Commission is developing a set of non-binding commitments for EU member states regarding enabling factors for digital education. This policy input summarises EUA’s input ahead of an eventual Council recommendation, which the Association hopes will stimulate a broader debate about the place and role of universities in the digital transformation.

EUA agrees with the overall direction of the recommendation as laid out in the European Commission’s call for evidence. The digital transformation of universities must be based on university values and aim at strengthening education, research, innovation and culture through participation and sharing. For this to happen, Europe needs to identify and implement technical fundamentals that allow interoperability and empower institutions and learners alike. Concretely, EU member states and other EHEA members should look into the regulatory obstacles to digital education, investment in infrastructure and university staff as well as prioritising open source and open standards.

Read more about EUA’s activities in the area of digitalisation of higher education institutions.

Digital education - enabling factors for success

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