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On 24 October the work programme of the European Commission for 2018 was adopted. It contains a restricted, yet ambitious set of priorities for the year to come. Europe’s universities benefit from the strong, multi-lateral framework that the European Union provides for their activities, and a focussed work programme with clear European added value, as is the current programme, is generally in their interest. Universities represent a key sector for Europe with millions of students and staff, playing an active role for economic growth, cultural enrichment, and well-being across society.

However, as with previous work programmes of the European Commission, the European University Association (EUA) regrets that the present programme does not include visible efforts to further develop the European Research Area (ERA). Realising Europe’s potential in research and innovation by working seamlessly across borders and closing the innovation divide between the member states would in itself be a powerful factor for realising the ambitions of the Commission, creating sustainable growth and jobs for our continent and retaining a competitive industrial base.

EUA response to the European Commission’s Work Programme 2018

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