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This report presents findings of a preparatory survey conducted among 33 higher education institutions (HEI) who have participated in peer-to-peer counselling missions, as part of a project focused on supporting the implementation of the Bologna Process throughout the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Led by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Bologna Hub Peer Support II (BHPS II) project has been running since September 2022. The project has worked closely with 33 selected HEIs, as well as Bologna Process experts who provide peer-counselling missions based on the institutions’ needs and offer complementary  online seminars and workshops.

The HEIs selected to receive peer-counselling missions from the BHPS II project filled in a self-assessment survey in spring 2023 to indicate the status quo at their institutions and facilitate a smooth beginning of the counselling missions. The survey report, conducted by the European University Association (EUA), analyses the departure point of these HEIs based on their self-assessment.

The survey report shows that ‘mobility and internationalisation’ and ‘innovative approaches to learning and teaching’ were selected as top priorities for participating HEIs to focus on during the counselling missions. These themes are highly cited areas of need across a diverse sample of ‘older’ Western European Bologna countries and newer Bologna signatory countries. The third priority topic selected by the participating HEIs is ‘curriculum development/ modularisation’.

Relatively low to no interest is given to issues considered as Bologna key commitments such as quality assurance, recognition, implementation of a 3-cycle system, and use of diploma supplement. The sample of this survey is not representative enough to build sound conclusions, however, possible explanations for the participating HEIs can either be that those key commitment issues are already solved, or they are not yet considered as other issues take priority. This question can be answered at the end of the project when results from the peer-counselling missions are presented.

The survey report delves deeper into additional topics such as micro-credentials and digitalisation, which emerged as subthemes from the self-assessment surveys of HEIs. It also suggests open questions for further exploration.

For more information, please consult the project webpage. BHPS II will conclude with a final seminar in autumn 2024.

EN Co fundedbytheEU RGB MonochromeCo-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Bologna Hub Peer Support II: Main take-aways from the preparatory survey of selected HEI

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